Severus Snape
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Back April 11th, 2010 Forward
11 March 2000

General Announcement
There will be an assembly for all students immediately after the last class of the day. Come straight to the Great Hall, no one is to return to their houses.

Hogwarts Staff
A student was found in possession of pro-muggle literature that appears to be published from within.

Heads of House need to go immediately to their houses and change the passwords. Give the new passwords to no one yet. After the last class of the day, all dorm rooms (this includes their trunks) and common rooms are to be thoroughly searched. You are looking for any similar works, proof of having written the pamphlet or participated in duplication for distribution, or evidence of any sort of decent at all. I don't care if it is a doodle in the margins of a parchment, bring them to me.

All staff are to be participating in this search. There should be at least three or four to each house, and the remainder of the staff should be in the Great Hall where we will be searching the rucksacks and bags that they carry with them.

Please exercise discretion.

Back April 11th, 2010 Forward