Severus Snape
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Tuesday 28 June 2001

Death Eaters
That was a preposterous exercise in pointlessness. How is it we control everything, and yet... are going to end up handing over all of Potter's money to his friends?

And now I have to hire a new Herbology professor.

Incidentally, it was his signature.

23 June 2001 Wednesday

Death Eaters
Apparently, Harry Potter left all of his money to Viktor Krum. Very, very clever. I don't know if there is anything that can be done since he is a citizen of another country. And not a country we have any control over, yet.

I do not for a second believe that Harry Potter thought to will his fortune to someone from another country almost two years before he was captured. It is now completely obvious to me that the Order has the mirror. And have very possibly gotten him out. And for some reason, I have no desire to share my theories with anyone.

13 June 2001

The potion is ready. I think perhaps it's best not sent by owl. It should remain more stable than that would allow. Shall I bring it to you?

Thank you for the cake, although you understand that no matter how delicious it was I feel obligated to say that there was no need to reciprocate this favour, in any way. But thank you for going to the trouble of having a cake made for me.

Friday 28 April 2001

Death Eaters
On the edge of the Forbidden Forest, on Hogwarts grounds, I have found two dead centaurs, a male and a female. I've removed the bodies to one of the greenhouses, least they be seen by others in the forest, but- what has happened? Did we do this? Does anyone know anything about this?

Easter Sunday

I have had as much quiet and inactivity as I can take. I am ready for the students to return.

Private )

1 April 2001

For two whole weeks things have been quiet and running so smoothly, even today of all days has been trouble free. I wish I could merely be grateful, rather than waiting for the next emergency.

Private to Narcissa
I apologise for how long it has taken me, there was so much to take care of after everyone returned. But I've finally finished the potion. I wasn't happy with the first batch, but this one is perfect. Whenever you are ready.

Louisa Macnair
Your dueling professor tells me you are doing better.

Late Saturday Night

Private to Louisa Macnair
I have just gotten word that the fighting in Croatia will soon be over. But your brother is missing in action. He was seen going down, but only his broom was found. They are looking for him.

Is there anything I can do for you?

Wednesday 9 February 2001

Announcement to Hogwarts Students
There will be an amended schedule for the remainder of the week for selective teacher training. The professors who remain will be overseeing study periods. Room changes will be posted tonight in all common rooms and on the doors of the class rooms giving plenty of notice of where you will need to be, and therefore, tardiness will not be tolerated.

These days are not to be treated as days off. You are expected to be working during class hours.

Monday 10 January 2001 (backdated to the first day of school)

Attention Hogwarts Students
As some of our staff are abroad, there are several room and professor changes which have been posted the common rooms of all houses and on the board in the Great Hall. Please take note.

Reasonable tardiness to class will be forgiven until Wednesday.

Not one person recognised my birthday this year. Not even Lucius. And it was the best birthday ever, even if the students did return on that day.


Students and Staff of Hogwarts
We will be returning to our regular schedule on Monday 28 November.

Death Eaters
Let us all thank Bellatrix Lestrange and Chen Yi for ending our exhaustive and foundless fortnight search of the castle. In gratitude, I, myself, will take over teaching Professor Lestrange's classes until the Dark Lord says that she too can stop looking in the school and look elsewhere.

Wednesday 24 November 2000

Death Eaters
We have nothing. None of the students know anything. Which I, personally, find impossible, but it appears to be the situation.

In any case, He is about as angry as I've ever seen him and is going to start questioning all DE again. He hasn't said as much, but I would expect Legilimency to come into play.

Hogwarts Staff
Until further notice, things will remain as they are with students only allowed out of their houses with an escort and classes will continue to be combined into larger groups. I realise this is a burden and does not lend itself to an optimal learning or teaching environment, but hopefully it will be short lived.

I appreciate everyone's continued cooperation.

Saturday 20 November 2000- late evening

General Announcement
All students, including Prefects and Head Girl/Boy, are to remain in their respective houses and dorms the remainder of today and Sunday. The common room entrances will be locked, and your heads of house will escort everyone, en mass, to meals in the Great Hall and back to your houses.

I appreciate everyone's cooperation in this matter. Procedures for Monday will be announced at a later time.

Death Eaters
There is a mandatory meeting of all Death Eaters, resident and non, in the Headmasters office at Hogwarts at 7am Sunday morning. Wear your finding clothes.

If you haven't been questioned by Him yet, I'd suggest you prepare yourselves for something extremely unpleasant.

I've set the house elves to continue the search through the night, and He has agreed to allow the rest of us to continue the hunt in the morning.

Lucius, would you please start tonight questioning students who may be suspect. I'd like to think of as many things we can be doing as possible, before He starts thinking of extra things.

27 September 2000

Attention Students
All groups and clubs must have a faculty adviser who is present at all meetings.

Hexed to Faculty and Staff at Hogwarts
I overheard some girls today planning a 'secret meeting'. I put a stop to it, and there is no reason to suspect that they are doing anything but having a secret meeting solely to exclude some other girl, but I don't care, I don't like it. Please keep a vigilant eye.

I realised today that I have not left the castle, not even to go down to the lake, in almost two months. This cannot be good for me.

27 May 2000

Private to Peter Pettigrew
I've noticed that you have not been around much lately, outside of your classes. You took some time off and have been mostly unseen since then. Is everything alright?

11 March 2000

General Announcement
There will be an assembly for all students immediately after the last class of the day. Come straight to the Great Hall, no one is to return to their houses.

Hogwarts Staff
A student was found in possession of pro-muggle literature that appears to be published from within.

Heads of House need to go immediately to their houses and change the passwords. Give the new passwords to no one yet. After the last class of the day, all dorm rooms (this includes their trunks) and common rooms are to be thoroughly searched. You are looking for any similar works, proof of having written the pamphlet or participated in duplication for distribution, or evidence of any sort of decent at all. I don't care if it is a doodle in the margins of a parchment, bring them to me.

All staff are to be participating in this search. There should be at least three or four to each house, and the remainder of the staff should be in the Great Hall where we will be searching the rucksacks and bags that they carry with them.

Please exercise discretion.

21 February 2000

Death Eaters
Though there was a considerable lack of any DE, I assume the huge influx of goblins in Hogsmeade is something someone knows about?

30 October 1999

Anouncement to all Hogwarts Students and Staff.

Though it has been posted on the boards of each house for the last month, I thought it prudent to reiterate a couple of rules on Hogsmeade and Halloween.

*Do NOT wear fancy dress costumes to class or outside of Hogwarts grounds.

*Curfew for returning from Hogsmeade on Saturday has been moved up to 4pm to allow ample time for the Halloween Feast.

*If you are so much as one minute late returning from Hogsmeade you will not be allowed to attend the feast.

*There will be detention from now until Christmas break for anyone pulling any kind of prank in the village of Hogsmeade. Please believe that I have eyes everywhere and you will be caught.

*Curfew for being in your respective houses after the feast is going to be strictly enforced.

Thank you. Enjoy your Hogsmeade weekend and Happy Halloween.

Severus Snape

21 October 1999

Hexed to Hogwarts Staff

A lark. They run away, get married, hide and call it a lark. If that is not proof of being too immature to marry then I don't know what is.

Their parents are looking into annulment so until then we're going to need to keep a tight reign on the two of them. We don't want them acting as if they have privileges just because they wed.

Lucius, they will be sent to you when they return tomorrow morning, and they will have detention from now until the foreseeable future. All staff can expect a least a couple of detentions with them, not at the same time, of course, so get creative.

Bellatrix, perhaps you should delegate your detentions to another professor. I don't want to induce anything.

Sunday 27th September 1999

Memorandum to all Hogwarts Students

*All students, male and female, must wear full uniform, including tie, to all classes. Day and Night.

*From this point forward, if equipment and/or litter of any kind are left on the Quidditch pitch after practices the team will forfeit their practice time for the week and the team captain will serve detention set by the Dean of Discipline.

Please feel free to comment with any questions.

Private to Hogwarts staff

For this early in the year the rate of recidivism seems unreasonably high. As such, I am instituting weekly meetings for Heads of House, Prefects, Head Boy and Girl, and any professor having particular problems, with the Dean of Discipline to note and review blatant and repeat offenders within the student body. With consistency in the doling out of punishment and records kept, it will become easier to refer offenders to me for temporary suspensions.

Please feel free to comment with any questions.

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