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Walden V. Macnair

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[14 Dec 2008|10:17am]
Private to Armand
Katharina says you are taking Louisa to see Francesca and she wants me to talk to you about it. I don't know why she wants me to talk to you about it. If she knows and Louisa wants to go and you don't mind, I don't know why the fuck she needs me to be involved. Probably just some control bullshit. But now if she asks if I talk to you about it, you can say I did.

Private to Louisa
Your uncle tells me you are going to meet your grandmother. Just a few things: Be careful, she is rather slick. Don't steal the silverware, she counts everything, trust me, I've tried it. Her sincerity is completely fake. Don't take any of her crap.

[ viewing | December 14th, 2008 ]
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