Walden V. Macnair's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Walden V. Macnair

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Is it already Wednesday? [07 Oct 2009|06:10pm]
I think I'm finally starting to recover from Saturday. The headache left just this afternoon. Antonin, how could you let me get so out of practice?

Something is/was/has been up with Katharina. She said she wasn't angry about having to feed so many people, but she must have been. She was far, FAR too polite not to be hiding something. And she has been quiet since, which could be about that, or about me not coming home until rather late Sunday. Or about how unsuitable my company was when I did come home.

Can't wait for this to finally come to a head.

[ viewing | October 7th, 2009 ]
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