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Walden V. Macnair

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[10 Jan 2010|09:31am]
Happy Birthday, sweetheart. I hope you get to do something fun today. Did you like the gifts that I'm sure your mother sent you and wrote my name on?

Thank you for the card, it's stupid how excited I got by it. But then I'm insanely bored in here, I feel fine, and they still won't let me go home. I believe they told your mother they might release me today, but most of the day is gone and the healer has not been in to see me yet, so I fear I might be here another night.

Enjoy your day. I love you.


Thank you for the card. I would have been fine with a one that had cute animals on it. As long as you improved on it with little drawings of their heads being chopped off, or of them bleeding. I like bleeding animals, and in that case, the cuter the better. The flowers would have been hard to fix, though.

I'm working very hard at getting better, and I'm working equally hard at being a pain in the ass so they will let me go home already. I'm not sure who is ready for me to be home more, me, your mother, or the ward nurse.

Do something nice for your sister today.


[10 Jan 2010|10:38am]
Private to Antonin Dolohov
How's the work? Not too many cases backed up, I hope. By the way, if you haven't done anything with Thomas White, then just leave him until I get back. He can wait, and deserves to.

So, has He spoken to anyone about this, any rumors about how angry He is? I'm suppose to see him the moment I'm released from here, so I know He's not thrilled. I don't know what the fuck He expects, though. And do you think it's weird that Malfoy volunteered to cover my Azkaban shifts until I'm cleared for work?

Well, that passed about ten minutes. Now what am I going to do?

[ viewing | January 10th, 2010 ]
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