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Walden V. Macnair

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28 Sept 2000 [28 Sep 2010|09:07pm]
Does the air feel weird? Like something is about to happen?

You are going to have to find some time to spend with your mother. She is positive these are your last minutes on earth. And she is driving me crazy, which I am going to pass on to you if you don't do something about it.

In the words of Lucius Malfoy, MerlinFuck! She is so bloody sad and depressed and I'm sorry. ImsorryImsoryImsorry! Why I was ever honest with her is beyond me. I should have fucking known better, but after all this time as the wife and friend of Death Eaters she didn't realise that her sweet, fair-minded, Hufflepuff son was going to be in danger in the company of DE? Please. I feel like I've been as understanding about this as I possibly can and now I'm starting to get angry.

[ viewing | September 28th, 2010 ]
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