Walden V. Macnair's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Walden V. Macnair

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[01 Oct 2010|06:37pm]
I want to take you out tonight. Some place posh, where I can show off how beautiful you are. Somewhere we will run into friends of your mother's.

Private to me.
I'm being sent to the Netherlands next week. Well, not just me. Benjamin is going with me. I asked for him to be sent with me. He is going to have to start doing DE things eventually, and I don't want him partnered with someone who he will decide deserves to die more than the enemy we are fighting. I just- I want to trust him. I really do. But if anyone is going to get hurt being with him, it would be best to be me. And I can always hold out hope that spending time with him in this capacity will prove me wrong.

Katharina is going to be a mess. I'm glad I'm not going to be here.

You want to take a turn torturing muggles-borns for a while?

[ viewing | October 1st, 2010 ]
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