Walden V. Macnair's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Walden V. Macnair

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12 October 2000 [12 Oct 2010|09:24pm]
Death Eaters
The Hague is the center of everything governmental in the Netherlands. Magically speaking, The Hague is very vulnerable. However the muggle government is heavily guarded. It's almost as if the Prime Minister for Magic is lax because the muggles are there in such force. Tomorrow we are going to run into the Chief Minister of Magical Defense. If that goes well, the Netherlands should be an easy enough capture.

I wanted to let you know that Benjamin is doing fine. How are you?

Ben is going to have to preform his first bit of unforgivable magic tomorrow. This should be interesting.

[ viewing | October 12th, 2010 ]
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