Walden V. Macnair's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Walden V. Macnair

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10 February 2001 [10 Feb 2011|10:29pm]
I set out today with everyone, but snuck off once they were all occupied. Searched the area, again, where Benjamin went down, where we found his broom, but nothing. Which is good, I keep telling myself. It's better than finding a body. His broom was in pieces, so I assume he and his wand are too and now he is wandering, hurt and unable to help himself. Or. Or he could have been captured, which I think less likely since they were so keen to let us know how many they had in their possession last time, and they've said nothing. I really don't want to tell Katharina her son is missing. And I don't know if I can get away without being in the fray tomorrow. Malfoy noticed I was MIA today. Although he shut up pretty quickly when I told him I was looking for Ben. Probably isn't one other DE who would be understanding.

I'm tired.

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