Walden V. Macnair's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Walden V. Macnair

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[02 May 2016|03:14pm]
The secret's out. The Dark Lord called all DE in this morning and told them you're pregnant, then admonished everyone for not trying hard enough. That means Ben knows, so we'd better tell Louisa before anyone else gets to her. I asked both Ben and Severus to let us tell her. You should come to Hogwarts, we can take her to lunch or something.

Backdated to Monday [25 Mar 2016|04:05pm]
So, I just got an owl. There is going to be a mandatory Death Eater and family meeting on Friday.

[10 Aug 2014|05:34pm]
Death Eaters
Did anyone hear the program about us on the wireless last night?

[05 May 2014|09:12pm]
I use to hate being in a place and not speaking the language, but now I find it refreshingly isolating. We put off coming back until the very last minute.

How are things going?

Friday [03 May 2014|05:13pm]
Let's go somewhere this weekend.

[18 Apr 2014|10:27pm]
I hope you're having a good birthday. Sorry I'm not there to celebrate with you. And I'm sorry that celebrating at all is so difficult due to my absence.

[16 Apr 2014|10:18pm]
Have you made plans for Ben's birthday?

Friday [12 Apr 2014|10:21pm]
Death Eaters - barring Carrows
This may be the first time ever that Alecto reached a correct conclusion before anyone else. I didn't know what the fuck we were looking at, but it seems that Alecto didn't have a problem recognising her brother's foreskin. She didn't take it well. There was some rage, Rodolphus, Antonin, and I all sustained injuries. And Rodolphus didn't take that well.

I'm sick of this shit.

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