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JT Yorke

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[Jul. 1st, 2021|03:27 pm]
Name: JT Yorke
Birthdate: May 15, 1990
Current Age: 25
Sexuality: heterosexual
Occupation: tbd
Canon point: He survives the stabbing his senior year and this is eight years later
Fandom: Degrassi
Played By: Belmont Camelli

JT survived the stabbing that nearly killed him his senior year of high school and it just brought him and liberty closer together. They started dating before his time in the hospital was even up and finished out their senior year together as a couple. They would then go on to university together where JT would study music management and would go on to work for a company managing musicians after graduating university.

He and Liberty would stay together all through university and as a matter of fact JT would propose to liberty at their university graduation. It was only a short time later that she would find out that they were expecting their second child together, their first one since the child they gave up for adoption in high school. Their son would be born two months before their wedding and then they would have a daughter 2 years later.
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