blossom, smile some sunshine down my way [entries|friends|calendar]
June McGillicuddy

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022; [26 Aug 2010|05:20pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]

I forgot about this thing for a year. But, since it only took me four times to remember my password, I figure this is the perfect place to ponder a few things.

First, why is it so god awfully hot?

Second, when did 6th graders start being taller than I am? Am I shrinking or are they slowly morphing into giants?

And lastly, how many days is too many days to have take out for dinner in a row?

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021; [13 Apr 2009|12:41pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

I forgot how big of a snot my sister was in high school.
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20; [08 Mar 2009|08:58pm]
[ mood | bored ]

I guess it's time I update this thing. I'd like to say that I haven't updated in so long because my life has been so busy and important, but I'd be lying. I just lost my password again. You'd think I would write it down or something. Nope. I'm much too busy watching Rock of Love Bus and grading math papers. I had a bunch of things to write about when I first attempted to log in here, but now I've forgotten most of them.

Noah moved in to the apartment building, the stupid ass. He claims he had no idea I lived here but I'm betting he did because it is obviously his life mission to fuck with my head for the rest of our lives. I guess it's good for Sam though, he can visit his dad anytime he wants. It gives me some more free time because Noah has been good about volunteering to babysit. Too bad I don't have much to do in my free time.

I'm thinking about taking up smoking and maybe enrolling in a cooking class or something. Those sound like two pretty good hobbies to me. Jessica is considering moving in for good and I really need to get out of the apartment and meet some people who a.) are not related to me, b.) I have never been married to, and c.) I have not had random sex with.

Those or my goals for now. Man, I'm really reaching for the stars nowadays.

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019; [01 Feb 2009|02:27pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

I really fucking hate Sundays.

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018; [03 Jan 2009|11:32am]
[ mood | satisfied ]


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017; [29 Dec 2008|12:14pm]
[ mood | depressed ]

I had no idea it was possible for one person to be so awkward, and for that person to be me. But, apparently, it is. What a way to be welcomed back to L.A.!

Why, why, why did Jude have to be here last night??? Sometimes I wonder if I'm being punished for something. He happened to be here when we got back to the apartment last night. He helped carry my bags inside. We ended up in the bedroom, on the bed. But I stopped it. I'm so stupid, I stopped it. It was so awkward, and I doubt he'll ever want to be in the position with me again. It's been a long time since that had happened, and I was so exhausted I don't think I was thinking straight. I don't know, maybe I'm lucky I stopped it. He could have any woman he wanted, women who are prettier and smarter and more interesting than I am. Maybe I actually did the smart thing this time.

I've spent the last two weeks in Georgia, staying at my parents house. It was probably the worst idea I've ever had in my life. I don't think there was one night that they were inviting the single men in the neighborhood over to "fix something" or "pick something up" or "to check out old June who's back in town and to see if they possibly wanted to date, marry, and knock me up within the next year or so." Hell, my ex-husband even showed up.

I got the turkey too dry for Christmas dinner, and it was just all around a very bad trip. It will never be happening again. If my parents want to see Sam and I for any other holidays, they can catch the plane for three hours and get themselves a hotel room because they're not staying here.

Sam's got a cold or something. He's not running a fever, but he's pretty miserable. His dad is supposed to pick up today, but I'm not sure if he will. Sam really wants to go, but I don't know if he's up for it. We'll have to see. He liked visiting his grandparents, but he's genuinely happy to be back in L.A., for some odd reason.

So, that's where I've been and what's been going on. It's riveting, I know.

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016; [22 Nov 2008|11:53am]
[ mood | chipper ]

Raise your hand if you are so scatter-brained that you forgot about your online journal until one morning you wake up from a dream about writing in your online journal which makes you remember that you have one!

-raises hand-

Oh, and also? It's almost freaking Thanksgiving! My parents haven't even called to invite themselves over yet. What's up, huh? There used to only be two things I really liked about Thanksgiving. They were: no school(whoo-hoo!) and good food. Now, I'm very excited because I was at the store the other day and found the most hilarious/amazing thing. It was a butter sculpture. Of a turkey. Yes, a turkey made out of butter!

Sam and I are probably going to have the best Thanksgiving ever thanks to turkey butter sculpture.

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015; [22 Sep 2008|10:07pm]
[ mood | sad ]

Happy Autumnal Equinox and birthday to myself to the one person who happens to accidentally click on my journal and read it!

Is it too early to put out Halloween decorations? I'm pretty sure it's not because every store I've been to in the past week has them out, which only tempts me to buy more and since I have no place to store these new decorations I'm practically forced to put them out. I guess I answered my own question. However, I'm pretty sure there's something seriously wrong with my son because he's not nearly as excited as I am about Halloween. He's five. Halloween should his second favorite holiday in the world. After Christmas.

This is basically an unimportant and completely irrelevant post, but let me just say one thing, One Tree Hill is really starting to piss me the hell off.

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014; [11 Sep 2008|09:34pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]

Watching The Office makes me wish I worked in an office.
Where Steve Carell was my boss and the rest of my co-workers were laughably annoying yet real.

Sad, huh?

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013; [05 Sep 2008|09:02am]
[ mood | cheerful ]

Tyra says if I gain 500 pounds I can become a famous model. And since Tyra said it, it must be true. It'd probably be a hell of a lot easier than losing weight.

I feel like using my naughty teacher icon today.

Alright. Back to class.

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012; [01 Sep 2008|08:41pm]
[ mood | excited ]

I realize that I am, in fact, a thirty year old woman. In three weeks, I will be thirty one. However, I don't think I've ever been more excited for anything as I am for the premiere of One Tree Hill tonight. I started watching the show this summer. I took Sam in to rent some movies, and saw that they had the first couple of seasons. I rented them and now I'm hooked. It's become clear to me that I have the television viewing habits of a thirteen year old girl, and that my son watches shows with more substance than I do. In fact, he was the one who reminded me that Barack Obama was doing his little speech the other night. I let him stay up late to watch it. I was busying trying to remember whether I’d Tivoed The Hills or not.

My parents came up this weekend and have been staying in my room which means I'm bunking with Sam. I've actually only had the urge to stab myself four times, which is a record, I think. They'll be leaving tomorrow because I won’t let them take Sam out of preschool for the day and since I have to work and refuse to join an internet dating site to appease my mother, they've decided to leave. Like, what were they going to do all day while I was at work? Sit around and play Nintendo and watch One Tree Hill? I don't think so.

We cooked out last night and went to the zoo today. I've locked myself in my room now and am refusing to come out until after my show is over. They can just fucking deal with it. Sure, I feel bad for my son but at least they like him and give him presents and don't tell him he's fat and old. He keeps sticking his fingers under the door to get my attention. I'm pretending to be asleep.

Oh yeah, work is going well. That's all I can really say about it. My life has become way to boring, and sadly I don't really know what to do about it.

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011; [24 Aug 2008|07:22pm]
[ mood | cold ]

My son started preschool this week. I woke him up early and let him watch cartoons. I made him eggs with ketchup, because that's how he likes them. I let him pick out his own clothes and brush his own hair. I asked him a million times if he was nervous, but he wasn't. Not this time or that time, or the time after that. I, on the other hand, was a complete wreck. I couldn't find my shoe, my blouse had a stain on it, and my hair was a complete catastrophe. I gave up on it after about twenty minutes. I couldn't eat, and I had four cups of coffee before we even left. I found my hidden cigarette stash (the ones I thought I'd thrown out) and had one in the bathroom while he was watching Spongebob.

Then we got in the car and drove to school. Once I dropped him off, and the teacher actually had to ask me to leave, I went to my own classroom a few doors down the hall and cried. He's so grown up. My life is over. I made excuses all morning to walk by his classroom. They finally shut the door and Natalie had to tell me everything was alright. I never thought I'd be one of those dotting mothers who was completely overprotective and would rather put her son in a bubble than let him go out into the real world all by himself. But I am. I fucking am.

He's doing well, though, and I couldn't be more proud. My classes start tomorrow. I'm a little nervous, but I always get that way. You never know exactly how your class is going to act. The few students I met at the open house were nice enough. I'm hoping it'll be smooth sailing, but I know I could never get that lucky.

Last night I stayed up really late and watched the Olympics. I don't really like sports, never have, but I don't particularly watch the Olympics for the sports aspect. More for the comedy aspect. Who knew that race walking was an actual Olympic sport? Mostly, it's just a whole bunch of guys speed walking around a track for three hours. However, most of them are wearing short shorts and belly shirts. It's kind of hilarious. I'm hoping it'll be on again tonight, because I'm going to need something to cheer me up. I'm not looking forward to going back to work. Not looking forward to it at all.

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010; [19 Aug 2008|11:51pm]
[ mood | tired ]

Top ten things I should update about but don't feel like elaborating on.

1. Started back at work again. Remembered I hate having a job.
2. Sam starts pre-school tomorrow. Will probably cry and possibly have another heart attack.
3. Lizard is doing well. Likes to pee at 4 in the morning.
4. My ex-husband has his head stuck so far up his asshole it's coming out the other side. If that's even possible.
5. Had coffee, dinner and lunch with Jude. It was fun. Would like to do it again.
6. Bought a new toaster with four slots so now I can make Sam and my pop-tarts at the same time.
7. Mother wants to come visit. May have to move in order to avoid that.
8. Am probably getting a cold.
9. Realized my life is so boring I don't even have ten things to update about but not elaborate on.
10. Just stubbed my toe. Ouch.

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009; [17 Aug 2008|09:07pm]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]

don't it hurt so bad
when you're standin in the sun
in the bottom of your heart
you don't love no one

you can be oh so mean
i just can't see, no in between
you know what the sun's all about
when the lights go out

what a way to live
back of your class
end of the line
you're always last

you can be oh so mean
i just can't see, no in between
you know what the sun's all about
when the lights go out

see the moon
see the stars
from your lonely seat
in lonely cars

you can be oh so mean
i just can't see, no in between
you know what the sun's all about
when the lights go out

Edit: Oh, yeah, and FUCK YOU!

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008; [14 Aug 2008|11:09am]
[ mood | surprised ]

Sex dreams are always fun.

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007; [08 Aug 2008|10:54am]
[ mood | nervous ]

Fuck Fish. )
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006; [04 Aug 2008|10:49am]
[ mood | aggravated ]

Yesterday, Sam and I went to the pet shop. He wanted to get a lizard. Don't ask me why. He just did. It's the only thing he's been talking about for the past month, and I figured it was time to take him down there and show him just how disgusting lizards are. Of course, he couldn't be swayed so easily and decided to throw a tantrum like a two-year-old in the middle of the pet shop because I refused to buy him this fucking 3-foot long lizard. It looked like a God damned dinosaur. Finally, after some candy, persuasion and a few side-eyed glances from other customers who surely thought I was torturing the poor child, we agreed on fish.

We bought a cheap plastic tank, some rocks and some other crap to put in it. That was my favorite part, decorating the tank. I let Sam pick out two fish and he let me pick out one, because despite the fact that he's a lizard-lover, he is also very considerate. I picked out what I chose to refer to as the retard-fish, simply because he looked like a retard. His eyes were all buggy and he kept swimming into the side of the tank. Retard-fish. Sam picked out a couple small goldfish and we were off, $110 lighter. We set it up and did everything the pet shop guy said. It kept Sam entertained for hours! I actually got to do some dishes, shave my legs and even got a phone call in to Jennifer without him noticing. He decided to name them all Lizard.

This morning, however, we awoke to find Lizard, Lizard and Lizard had perished during the night. Just goes to show how nurturing we are. They were just three more animals I could add to my list of animals I've killed or maimed accidentally. Sam is devastated. You'd think the damn fish had been here more than a day. He wants to bury them, so now they're just floating in the tank because I'm certainly not scooping them out until we're heading out the door. I was hoping to be sneaky and just flush them, but Sam is pretty down in the dumps and has refused to leave the tank's side. I keep going back and forth on whether or not I should get him a damn lizard. What if it dies, too? God, Sam would probably become clinically depressed.

Anyway, I've got a doctors appointment later today. I figured it's been so long since I last went, and with the earthquake and my birthday coming up, I should make sure my old ticker's still up and running. Maybe afterward I'll take Sam to the pet shop. Or maybe I'll just buy him a video game or something.

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005; [29 Jul 2008|07:31pm]
[ mood | scared ]


I almost died. God. Damn. Mother. Effin'. EARTHQUAKES!

Good thing my son was around to calm me down, or else I probably would have had a heart attack and died right there in the skating rink. My ass hurts like hell, though. Damnit.

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004; [08 Jul 2008|04:33pm]
[ mood | hungry ]

My son, my own flesh and blood, the light of my life, the apple of my eye diagnosed me with road rage this afternoon. On the one hand, I was completely confused as to how Sam had even come to grasp the concept of road rage. On the other hand, I was pissed off. It's not my fault highways around here are one big cluster-fuck. I seriously think truck drivers have come together and are now making it their mission to clog up the lanes and not allow anyone to pass. They're probably chatting it up on their little radio things, laughing their asses off about all the cars behind them that are being forced to move at the speed of molasses thanks to them.

I can't help it if I get angry. I've got places to go. Get the fuck out of my way, okay? Now that I've got that out, I should mention that Sam's birthday is in a few weeks. He's going to be five. He's so old. I'm so old. I might as well pick me up a few hundred cats and call it a life. I just can't get over it. Jake is planning on taking him at the beginning of August and keeping him for a few weeks. I haven't decided if I'll have his birthday party here or cave in to my mother's request of having it back home.

What else is going on in my boring life? Hm. Close to nothing. I'm officially off work for the next month and a half. I've been spending my days watching daytime television and playing with my son. I'm keeping a closer watch on Sam's viewing habits, because I still haven't figured out where he learned about road rage. He hasn't been to daycare in almost two weeks, so I'm stumped.

I've got grocery shopping planned tonight, and I'm thinking I'll probably pick up a pizza on the way home. I've been craving a mushroom and olive pizza for days! Of course, then I have to attack the four day old dishes in my sink. Or maybe I'll just save those for tomorrow. God knows I've got nothing planned.

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003; [22 Jun 2008|12:25am]
[ mood | bored ]

You may all now refer to me as Mrs. Bean. Thanks.
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