Kiara Rodriguez's Journal
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Kiara Rodriguez

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001: Let's Talk About Me. [
April 22nd, 2009 ï 12:17am
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | We Need a Resolution - Aaliyah ]

Can I really get through a whole entry just talking about myself? Probably. It's not like I've had some super amazing life that would make somebody sit here and actually want to read about it, but I guess it's semi-interesting, we'll see.

My name is Kiara. Kiara Lynn Rodriguez. I was born on December the 20th, 1984 in LA to my father, Miguel, and my mother, Sophia. Both of my parents are from Puerto Rico and they came to California so my father could get a better job and, there for, giving my mother a better life. I wasn't even in the picture yet, nor was a planned to be. This was in 1982 and my father, being very knowledgeable in the automotive industry, got a job working for a Cadillac dealership. Of course both my parents did good financially because it was just the two of them bringing in two, pretty decent, incomes.

Both my parents were doing great, of course. They had gotten enough money to buy their dream home. Which, compaired to what they were used to, was a mansion. They were really happy with their new life in California and why wouldn't they be? They had their dream home, money...What they've always wanted. April of 1984 rolled around and my mother found out she was pregnant. Not exactly what they had planned on. At least not two years into being in California, getting their life together. But my father, and my mother too I guess, saw it as a blessing.

I was born in December, an early Christmas present. At least that's what my father calls me. I guess I was always his little girl, even from day one. It's not like my mother didn't love me, but I wasn't what she had planned. She wanted to open her own store, get her carreer going before she had a baby. But things happen when you have unprotected sex...Even in the 80s. So she had to quit her job as manager of a specialty gifts store to stay home and be a full time mom. Sure they had money, but not enough to hire a babysitter. Plus my dad thought my mother's place was home taking care of me.

I'm not sure what happened with my mother, but she changed. Sure she took care of me and did the things that she was supposed to so I would grow up into a healthy child, but she also started to drink a lot more than her usual one, or two, drinks a week. More at parties, but everybody parties. I think the heavy drinking started when I was three. Of course I don't remember things from then, but I remember a little bit. My father was the only one bringing in money, so things were a little tight. My mother still had to stay home because they couldn't afford a daycare. So she would have her drinks during the day while she was watching me.

More like I was watching myself. She would sit on our couch, drink, and watch daytime soaps. I, of course, would watch and learn how to speak from her and the tv. Nice way to learn how to talk, right? But it worked, it worked really well. She did teach me basic shit when I was around one, but I learned how to really speak by watching tv and lisening to my mother on the phone. I pick up things really quick. Even my father noticed, but didn't think anything of it.

By they time I was five I had the vocabulary of a first grader and when I got into school, kindergarten was too easy for me. I was bumped to the first grade and found the work to be what I was used to, I was more challenged there. So all the kids I started to befriend were all older than me, by a year or a few months. Which isn't all that bad because it just helped me mature even more. Even though I was mature for my age, I was still a goof. I still am. I sometimes find it hard to take myself seriously and I was the same way when I started school.

Friends came easy for me...Usually. One friend comes to mind right away. I'm smiling even as I write this because  our friendship was perfect from the start. It all started when a sweet family from the south moved in next door to us. I saw they had a son around my age, so naturally he'd be in my school. Even better, he was in my class. I remember the day he came in and I shared my snack with him because he didn't have one. From that moment on, we were joined at the hip.

Joey and I would spend every minute together if we were allowed to. I remember asking my parents when we were going to have his parents over for dinner, just so Joey and I could play together. It was a good thing my parents liked to throw dinner parties and things like that. It meant Joey and I would have full control over the upstairs of my parent's house.

As we got older it seemed that being away from Cash(Joey's middle name and what I call him.) just wasn't much of an option and we were together all the time...When we got to junior high, I realized I was into so many different things and I continued to excel in school. I got good grades and I realized I could pick things up super fast. I was already "fluent" in Spanish, so I took French and I picked it up fast. Even in my art classes, I was able to draw something only after seeing it drawn by the teacher once or twice. Not like I drew it all that great, but I held my own.

In high school I got into a communications class and I found that I had a love for cinematography. I loved taking videos and making stupid little movies. I think I had my video camera with me all the time and I just walked around randomly taking videos of people. The work I did with my video camera came in handy. I just started shooting random things around town and soon some bands noticed me when I would go to their performances just to video tape them. A few saw my work and gave me money to do it every time they had a performance. So I continued doing that for a bit, getting paid for it, of course.

Doing all that work really helped me escape things at home. My mother's drinking had really taken it's toll on my father and on my mother. She was a normal mother when she was sober, but when she was drinking... I just always needed an out and Cash was always there for me. I would sneak out at all hours of the night and make my way to Cash's just to get away from it. He would keep me centered and we would just make each other laugh or we would just lay around and talk for hours until, eventually, we fell asleep.

After I got out of school, college wasn't even an option for me. As much as I wanted to go I couldn't afford it and my parents couldn't either...My father couldn't, I should say. So I kept doing things for the bands and I got a job at a fetish boutique so I could start saving money, get my own place. I was lucky to have a father who worked for a car dealership, so my car was taken care of. But an apartment just equaled independence for me and that's what I wanted. So I worked my ass off and finally had enough to movie out.

Things were great. I had my own place, a job, money, my buddies. I could party when I wanted and just be me. I didn't have to worry about my mother anymore because she didn't worry about me. I still went home to see my father and make sure my mother was still alive. It was always a good day when I went back home and she was actually sober.

I thought things were great with being in my own place. As long as I wasn't there, in the house with my mother, then it wouldn't really take it's toll on me, but it did. I realized the only way I would be happy is to get out of Cali and move some place across the US. The first place that came to mind that I knew could handle me. That place was New York City.

So I found a little shoebox of a place that I could actually afford if I just eat Ramen and drink water, packed up all my shit, paid a ridiculous amount of money to have it all shipped there, said my goodbyes to both my parents, and to Joey; which was probably even harder than saying goodbye to my parents. And I took the red eye from LAX to JFK. The apartment is in Manhattan and I'm sitting on my little couch as I type this out. I have a job at The Pleasure Chest and have recently been promoted to manager. I love that place! I also have my own live web cam chats that I do for money too. I think I get more doing that than I do working, but I love both jobs.

Some Facts!

- I love everything that has to do with making movies. That includes make-up, clothing, music, locations, lighting...
- Music is a huge part of my life and I listen to it ALL.
- I love comic books and, when I dyed my hair the red it is today. My friends called me Red Sonja.
- Living on my own, times were tough sometimes, and I did some nude modeling to get some money!
- Some of my random loves include: Porn, Sex toys, Hair color, Push up bras, Cocktails, Make-up, Ice cream, Nintendo, Randomly nice people, Animal print, Fresh sheets, Loud Music, Squeezing my glutes, Attractive people, Hand written letters, Cadillac, Clothes, Perfume, Pin-ups, Anime, Kick boxing, Pinkberry..
- No I'm NOT related to Alex Rodriguez. I didn't even know who he was until I heard he was banging Madonna.
- I love going on the computer. I'm really a huge nerd.
- I have brown eyes and dark brown, almost black hair.
- I'm curvy and short and very proud to be both.
- I think both sexes are beautiful and I'm attracted to both of them.
- I've dated, but never had a serious relationship. I don't like the feeling of being tied down.
- I'm very comfortable with myself. I'm outgoing. Crazy. Loud. Opinionated. I love to joke and play around.
- I live with my best friend, Cash. It didn't take him long to follow me here. And I'm so happy he did, I was feeling a little lost without him.
- I have both my nipples pierced, my nose, and my navel.
- I have a tattoo of an Anime girl kneeling down, holding a teddy bear, on my back. And red lips on my right ass cheek.
- I love to party. Even though I've seen alcohol abused growing up, I still drink and have a good time.

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