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[23 Feb 2013|12:02am]
[private] What if I somehow, lead them here? The hunter who attacked my brother's pack was there, as I'm pretty sure some others from his party were too. What if they discovered I survived and discovered I came here? I could have caused more deaths. I could have caused Alicia's death if she hadn't made it to the tunnels.

No, I can't do this now. I can't doubt myself. I was careful after that attack. My parents don't even know the address of this place, they just shipped my things to an address that forward them here. And my sister would never tell anyone, not after losing Stephan.

Oh Miss Brandt and Mr. Verus. This is so horrible.[/private]
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[26 Jan 2013|11:22pm]
[private to self]
I need to get the fuck out of here. Get away from the computer and just run, just go scream my lungs out somewhere. maybe even cry. this is all so STUPID! FUCK! Life is too short for this bullshit. It can all be over in a blink! Even for a demon, they may be immortal but I know things can happen to them to. FUCK!
[/private to self]
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[26 Jan 2013|10:50pm]
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Let's do this bitch! I mean, game. [25 Oct 2012|07:18pm]
Comment to this entry and ask me truth or dare. I'll pick one and you can ask me one question I must answer honestly or give me one action I must perform within three days. Then repost this (including the rules) to your journal.


1. No dares that are malicious, slanderous, or physically injure anyone
2. All questions, dares, and initial responses truth questions must be answered publicly. No private messages unless they're follow-up questions.
3. If you absolutely don't think you can answer the question or perform the action, you can refuse by saying "pass." You can do this twice. But use your passes wisely - when they're gone, they're gone.
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[09 Aug 2012|04:47pm]
Forget for a moment that Claire Danes doesn't understand Shakespeare worth a damn in this movie and yet she plays Juliet, and that this version is very freely adapted, this scene still makes me cry.

Promise me something Alicia, if I "die", wait a full 32 hours before doing anything stupid. Oh, and ALWAYS check for packages! My "death" could end up being one big elaborate plot, like this one was.
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[26 Jul 2012|09:54am]
I needed a good laugh. Jim Carrey introducing Eminem at the MTV awards, I don't know that year, but does that really fucking matter? It's Carrey, being funny and introducing the badass Eminem.
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[19 Jul 2012|09:32am]
I Just Want to Be Okay. )
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[17 Jul 2012|10:02am]
Ahahahahaha! )
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[13 Jul 2012|09:15am]
Hey everybody, it's...

{Private to Gage} Care to watch this movie with me tonight?
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Profile [01 Jul 2012|05:56pm]
South Peak High )
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