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Chris Jones

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[info]altermods [20 Mar 2013|08:09pm]

Profile: Chris Jones )
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[20 Mar 2012|02:34pm]
For the love of God, please stop bringing casseroles to our house.
14 comments|post comment

[26 Jan 2012|12:49pm]
Charcoal )

Jenna )
21 comments|post comment

[19 Dec 2011|09:24am]
Jenna )
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[17 Nov 2011|03:35pm]
I forgot how much I hated watercolors until we were assigned them last week.

Such a waste of my life. Five bucks and it's yours.

Scanned in )

Do you
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[05 Nov 2011|10:14am]
Remember, Remember
The fifth of November,
The gunpowder treason and plot.
I know of no reason
Why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
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[25 Oct 2011|12:50pm]

Pencil and paper never let you down.
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[09 Oct 2011|11:34pm]
Got a job as a bus boy at the cafe. Needed to spend more time out of the house. Looks like you'll be seeing a lot of me around, Macy.
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[30 Sep 2011|02:37pm]
I'm moving back Sunday. Try to contain your excitement.

I forgot how useful the internet is. Saves me an awful lot of phone calls.
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