Vanessa Simon's Journal
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Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in Vanessa Simon's InsaneJournal:

    Thursday, June 21st, 2035
    5:14 pm

    Monday, April 11th, 2022
    8:35 pm

    NAME: Vanessa Simon
    NICKNAME(S): Nessa
    AGE: 29
    SPECIES: Mutant
    POWER(S): Genetic Duplication (ability to instantly create temporary clones of herself, that eventually absorb back into her)
    OCCUPATION: Journalist, author, professional wrestler
    SEXUALITY: Pansexual

    BIO: Tough, smart, and 100% not taking any of your shit, Vanessa covered "the ongoing Reality Gem event" for New York's media for several years, until she was fired when her anti-mutant boss discovered what she was. She used this discrimination as a tool with which to sue the newspaper, asking for safe travel to Galador in lieu of a monetary payment.

    Never bothering to even set herself up on the network, Vanessa has been hard at work rebuilding her journalism career on Galador, working freelance with the news media Rory Gilmore and Laura Hollis helped create, as well as odd articles and reviews in Lunar magazine. A longtime fan of science fiction, she's recently begun trying to write her first novel, a hodgepodge of ideas influenced by Star Wars, Star Trek, and her own experiences on Galador.

    With the start of MCW on the planet, Vanessa decided to use her natural athleticism to see if she could be a success as a professional wrestler as well.
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