Lady Olivia Selwyn's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Lady Olivia Selwyn

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[15 May 2017|03:46pm]
And here I thought it was becoming too quiet.

[11 Apr 2017|01:08pm]
It's absolutely terrible that owls will have complete trash line their cages.

Hannah )

[31 Mar 2017|01:29pm]
I'm so incredibly thankful that April Fools' falls on a Saturday. Last year I was stuck in an elevator for nearly an hour with charmed canaries that continuously chirped the same Celestina Warbeck song. The elevator was stuck in the same spot until they were able to finish the song, without interruption of any kind. This year, I'll be hoping for a quiet day with only minimal pranks from my siblings.

Hexed Private to Self )

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