Q aka Victoria St. John's Journal
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Friday, February 3rd, 2023

    Time Event
    This version of Q is canon for the films with Daniel Craig as Bond but for the following changes..

    Q is now female/ She constantly has to prove she is more than eye candy (having other 00s flirting does not help)) especially due to her youth. But via her holding her own verbally speaking Bond sees her as an equal.

    St. John is actually her mother's maiden name. M advised this to avoid rumors of nepotism and riding coat tails. This is also due to Connerly era Boothroyd being her great grandfather. Plus Q is simply a title, Victoria St. John is her true self.

    She will embrace her being into women over time.

    Canon point: when she inadvertently lets Silva access to the MI6 servers during Skyfall. Being tossed 11 years into the future while confusing will also intrigue. Q will be on quite a journey as it is but a good journey.

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