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Thresh 🌽 | The Hunger Games

I'm a dynamiter, I'm a prizefighter
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[04 May 2024|08:31pm]


Who: Alex and Sav
What: tequila, burgers, and catching up
When: Sat. evening
Where: Off-Broadway
Rating: lowish
Status: Closed

Well, since you're basically my best friend, you get to be complicit in my hiding this from Lucas and Matt )

[04 May 2024|07:21pm]


...Ezra? Ahsoka?

What is this place?

[04 May 2024|03:56pm]


We went from zombie attack.

To an orgy.

To a music and art festival.

I've only been here a few months and this seems to sum up the place rather well.

[04 May 2024|05:54am]


Who: Bruce Wayne and Chuuya
What: Grabbing Food (Match-Up)
Where: Hinkles
When: 5/3; Afternoon
Warnings: Medium-ish probably (Chuuya is involved)
Status: Closed

~*~*~*~*~ )

[04 May 2024|02:48am]


[Ruby Daly]

Hey. I heard you and Lee are here?

[03 May 2024|08:34pm]


Best orgy ever. What better way to say "fuck you" to the Dome after that mushroom zombie nonsense. Which by the way was so not cool, Dome.

[03 May 2024|08:07pm]


Who: Emma & Hope M.
What: Learning about new magic
Where: Magic Shop
When: Friday afternoon
Warnings: None.
Status: Completed Gdoc

++++ )

[03 May 2024|07:56pm]


[Damon Salvatore]

Is there really just this town on the whole planet? And the moon, I guess.

[03 May 2024|07:27pm]


Who: Thorin Oakenshield & OTA
Where: The Park
When: Friday Evening
What: Out for a walk
Status:Ongoing & Open
Warnings: None for Now

Nice night out )

[03 May 2024|06:14pm]


I am thinking of doing a Taco Night! Would anyone like to join me?

[03 May 2024|10:52am]


Who: Kaz and Mickey
What: Bonding while ax throwing? Something like that.
When: Friday night
Where: Bad Ax
Rating: TBD
Status: Closed; Incomplete

It was hardly his ideal location for 'shop' talk. )

[03 May 2024|12:59pm]


As it appears that there is a dance coming up, I would like to offer my services to anyone who may be interested. I can do make-up and hair for the dance that I can promise will last all night, at reasonable prices.

Please let me know if you're interested by replying to this message and I can get a time set up for you.

[03 May 2024|02:55am]


My demon.

I can't...

I need to be able to get drunk.

[02 May 2024|07:52pm]


[Quentin Coldwlater]

You ok with take out for dinner tonight? I was thinking pizza. I know it's basic, but I'm craving a loaded supreme.

[02 May 2024|06:52pm]


Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband, Sam. We're having a kale cake, if anyone wants to come over tonight.

I'm kidding.


[02 May 2024|06:40pm]



Hey, it's been awhile. We should hang out soon and see what sort of trouble we can get into.

Also, I've been told we might be going on a jewelry heist soon. Wanna join?

[02 May 2024|03:09pm]


An orgy was definitely a great way to be welcomed to town.

Thanks, Madison Valley.


Can I see you again?

I need to see you again.

[02 May 2024|04:13pm]


[Filtered to 18+]
Beltane was a ringing success! Thank you Hope and Angeline for help with the fire. Vasic would be pleased and proud. If anyone wants to help me return the tables that would be great, because I'm not carry three heavy tables strong.

I fucked my housemate at Beltane.

Can I come over for dinner soon?

[02 May 2024|01:53pm]


I managed to ace my courses this semester,

I'll be taking two classes this summer, but not a full course load.

Remember that report you helped me with in March? The one where I asked what holes you saw from that whole you've lived a very long time?
Not only did I get 100%, but my prof is using it as an example of what to do going forward.

Also, I wanted to apologize. For my post last month*. What I did was really unfair because you're this amazing person. I should have A) trusted you B) Not said anything C) if I did then used the word intense because you aren't shy about your emotions and it's one of the absolute best things about you.

[ooc: time has no meaning right now and it could have been longer. Assume Kayla got the time right. LOL]

[02 May 2024|01:30pm]


Who: Jenna & Kol (2/2)
What: Meeting for drinks
Where: Lou’s
When: Early to Mid-April before the zombie plot [Backdated!]
Warnings: Mediumish to lowish for talks of compulsion, death, and mentions of violence.
Status: Completed Gdoc

++++ )

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