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  • For Zombies, I was thinking about bringing Thor in. Is that cool with you?
    • Of course! I'd love a Thor. Are you bringing him in from Infinity War or before?
      • I would be bringing him in post IW. So WHAT IS THIS SHENANIGANS! LOL
        • Ha! Loki would be SO MAD that Thanos killed him. (Although a little pleased that he at least got to be a hero.)

          I'm SO excited for Thor to be coming in!
          • Poor Loki. (Gets to deal with an angry Thor) But you know the moment he sees him, sorry Loki but you're bound to be squished in a hug that you don't want. LOL
            • LOL. Once he realizes what Thor went through, he might at least tolerate it a little.
  • Is it cool if I hold Gamora in zombies?
  • Hey- just wanted to let you know I'm holding Dr Strange from the MCU.

    If Loki is still holding a grudge over the last time they met, maybe the two of them can butt heads :P
    • That actually sounds hysterical and I look forward to it!

      Loki is a grudge holder, after all.
      • One more plot idea for Strange and Loki. I was going to headcanon (which frankly I’m surprised they didnt do in the movie) that he was called into the ER during the attack on New York (as all first responders, nurses and doctors in NYC would have been). So he may have a particular grudge of his OWN against Loki, and wont let him off the hook for his actions that day in the way others might

        To be clear, I love Loki, but some fans tend to think of him as a teddy bear when its like “Do you remember when he murdered those guys people and tried to shoot an old German man in cold blood?”
        • I'm actually quite surprised that they didn't do that in the movie! I would figure basically every doctor was called in, after all.

          But please, feel free! He *did* kill 80 people in two days, not to mention everyone who died because of the attack in New York.
  • Hey, I was thinking for zombiemod of bringing in Darcy, is that okay?
  • Hey just wanted to apologize for my extreme slowness on tagging our scene, I've been very lazy this month. But don't worry, I will tag it.
  • Hello! New potential player for Zombieland here. I wanted to see if you would be okay with me apping Rogue (movieverse)? No worries if not:)
  • Hola. Did you want to thread Thor/Loki?
  • Did you want to thread Loki/Selene or handwaved? Have anything in mind for him to teach her that she might actually be able to do?
    • I'd love to thread it! And what does she want to learn? He's taught people magic before, so he's good at explaining it and helping others with it.
  • Sorry, Snow in a different skin.
  • This is their friendship.

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