Trinity Marciano - May 9th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Trinity Marie Marciano

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May 9th, 2009

[May. 9th, 2009|08:05 pm]
Character Name: Trinity Marie Marciano
Birthdate: August 15, 1982
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 118lbs
Hometown: East Hampton, New York
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Piercings: Ears + 3 Others
Tattoos: Celtic Trinity Knot – Back of Neck

Personality: Trinity has the stereotypical Italian sass, combined with the self-confidence of a Leo. She is sometimes perceived as being bitchy because it is hard for her to open herself up to people that she isn’t sure she trusts.

Appearance: Having danced her entire life, Trinity has the perfect toned body that most girls would kill for. However, if asked, her amazing deep brown eyes and her perfect breasts are her favorite features.

Ten Fun Facts

01. Her father named her Trinity because of her mother’s favorite necklace… her Celtic trinity knot pendant.
02. Has a bikini collection bigger than most girls shoe collections.
03. Her father has a lot of connections with the big Italian names in New York City.
04. Has a very wild side that sometimes gets her into trouble.
05. Used to tell people she was waiting for marriage, but has been secretly sleeping with her best friend since she was fifteen.
06. Because of her mother’s obsession with art (mostly Celtic) Trinity adapted the same obsession.
07. Has been dancing since she was three and cheering since age five.
08. Refuses to wear non-brand name clothes except as workout clothes.
09. Despite how she portrays herself. Trinity is actually extremely smart. Even without studying when she was in school.
10. In High School, Trinity battled with anorexia, but she got through it with the help of her parents and her best friend. Thankfully it only lasted for just over a year and a half.

Biography: Most people don’t like to talk about themselves, especially about their past. But to Trinity Marciano, the past can sometimes be a nightmare. Growing up without a mother isn’t easy for any child, but knowing that your mother gave her life to give you yours makes it that much harder.

“It’s either your wife’s life or your child’s” the doctor told Giovanni Marciano the night of his wife’s accident. The terrified husband, and father-to-be, had no idea how to make this decision, his very conscious wife was pleading with him to save their child, to give their baby a chance at life. Hesitantly he agreed with her decision, knowing either way he was going to lose a love of his life. That night, August 15 1982, Alexandra Marciano left this world but Giovanni’s new love, his daughter Trinity, entered it.

Alexandra Marciano was an art history professor at Hofstra University in Nassau County, New York. She had an affinity for Celtic artwork, especially knot work, and even wore many different jewelry to show that side of her off. Among her favorite pieces was a trinity knot necklace. The symbol of the intertwining of Body, Mind & Soul was soon the namesake for her only daughter. Giovanni, Trinity’s father, owns a small circuit of Italian restaurants and night clubs in the tri-state area. Many people often question his business practices and they have every right to question him and his connections.

As a child Trinity was the epitome of “Daddy’s Little Girl”. Spoiled beyond belief was probably the understatement of the century when it came to Trinity, it’s no wonder she grew up to be the young adult she is today. Trinity led a very normal life for a little girl growing up in East Hampton, New York though. Dance lessons starting at age three, cheerleading, tennis, swimming… anything her little heart desired, and it desired much.

There were many children in her neighborhood who Trinity could consider her friends but there was one friend in particular that would affect the rest of Trinity’s life, ((OPEN MALE)), her next door neighbor. He was her best friend for as long as she could remember and is probably one of the only people who would know how Trinity works, how to get inside her head, and her heart. Throughout her life he was the one constant person who was always there for her and the two shared a bond like no other. He was her confidant who helped her through her battle with anorexia in the early years of high school. He was the first guy she ever felt truly comfortable with during the awkward phases of adolescence, and for the longest time he was the only guy who has ever seen her on an intimate level.

At the age of twelve, Trinity’s life would change drastically. No longer the only woman in her father’s life, he remarried. And with his new marriage came a step-sister by the name of ((OPEN FEMALE)). Everything from that point on, was different, Trinity tried to rebel against her father, she developed a wild, spontaneous side. She did everything she could to make her father think she needed his attention more than his new wife and his new daughter. But despite how hard she tried, even then her father was too busy with his “business” in order to notice his daughter’s constant cries for him. Even through the rebelling Trinity tried to get to know her new step-sister, but she soon learned that despite her efforts she was only pushing her away. Nothing she could do was good enough, cool enough. And to this day there is still a huge rivalry going on between the two of them.

Now, Trinity is a graduate from UCLA. She and her best friend ((OPEN MALE)) decided to go to college together and Trinity couldn't have been happier with that decision. The secretive dancer has a lot of things she is hiding from the world, from her family, from her friends and not all things are as they seem when it comes to this Italian mafia princess. To get inside her head, you have to get inside her heart, and with the fortress she has built up around it, no one new gets in easily.

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