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Comments Screened [11 May 2024|12:15pm]


I am once again asking... does anyone wanna play with Gambit?

Familiar with both comics and animated series.

Het, slash, anything. I'm game.
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[11 May 2024|11:34am]


now that the sequel has been announced, is there an alex looking for his prince? would love something based on the movie that incorporates elements of the book as well!
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[10 May 2024|10:59pm]


can I get something long term and fun for Dave’s? Would love a merch girl or manager type line, but open to other faces.
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[10 May 2024|11:38pm]
looking for a bottom jonathan bailey to play against my "straight" top nephew.
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[10 May 2024|06:16am]


i'd love to get some more fandom lines so if you're interested in a longterm het psl with any of these pairings (with me playing the bolded character), let me know! i'd also potentially be interested in crossing over with other fandoms that aren't listed, so toss any ideas at me and we'll see what we can work out.

RESIDENT EVIL: leon/claire, steve/claire, chris/jill, carlos/jill
SILENT HILL: heather/any sh male, or anyone in a crossover that makes sense
UNTIL DAWN: josh/sam
LIFE IS STRANGE: chloe/max
THE QUARRY: max/laura
FINAL FANTASY: seifer/rinoa, rikku/tidus
GALERIANS: rion/oc
SUPERNATURAL: sam/oc, dean/oc
THE WITCHER: geralt/oc
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[10 May 2024|02:29am]


is there anyone still around from the midnight mass fandom that plays paul who would be interested in something with my mildred? i am thinking au with a slight ending tweak, but ultimately i would love to backdate scenes to their early years as well.
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[09 May 2024|04:43pm]
I'm looking to revive this character, is anyone looking for a good mix of filth and fluff?
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[09 May 2024|02:59am]


neil josten or another all for the game character for an andrew minyard? canon, au, or pb based on the characters!
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[08 May 2024|09:15pm]


Long shot but looking for a Nathan to play against my Lucas. Lucas was given his mother’s last name at birth and never knew who his father was so the two don’t know they’re brothers, only finding out once it’s too late to turn back.
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