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Pollux A. Black

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Zeus 3 [30 Jul 2009|05:10pm]
[ mood | angry ]

My poor mortal.
A dead wife and a newborn child that cannot even sustain itself enough to breathe on its own.

One of mine was lost in this shuffle.

Daughters, I do hope you are pleased with yourselves.

[Private to the twelve Olympian gods and Gaia]

One island was sent to the depths not so long ago by the sheer strength of my brother Poseidon, now instead of destruction to cause mayhem, I ask for your help in awakening an island instead.
The fourth island that they have hidden away from us, made secret because it is the one that houses the bodies they stole away from us.

My daughters need to be taught a lesson. They believe themselves above us and have become unbearable because we have not struck back yet. In our own bodies, made whole without the limits on these mortals, we can do just that.

What say you?

[ / ]

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