wild_and_free_'s Journal
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Monday, May 30th, 2011

    Time Event
    Name: Nevaeh Jensen
    Age: 20
    Species: Werelion

    Brief History: Born in Louisville, Kentucky into a very affluent family, Nevaeh spent her first five years in the southern state before her mother packed her and her older sister up for a move that would take them 3 states away to the major city of Denver, Colorado. Nevaeh grew up knowing next to nothing about her father until she reached her teen years. With puberty came the discovery that Nevaeh was something more then a normal human teenager. With only one parent being a were, Nevaeh's first transformation into her animal form had been stunted until her body went through the changes every girl experienced when they reached puberty. It was actually a couple years after that that Nevaeh met her father for the first time. A meeting that had been set up by her mother when the realization set in that her daughter needed to get to know the father that had been absent for a good majority of her life.

    Having never thought she had the talent of a rock star, sure she loved karoake and the occasion open mic night at a trendy Denver club, Nevaeh was a bit shocked and surprised when approached by a representative from Full Moon Records. After days of consideration, Nevaeh, along with her parents whom she spoke with independently of each other, came to the conclusion that it was too good an opportunity to pass up. With her half sister along a road trip was started to cross many miles to Los Angeles. The sisters anxiously awaited trip west didn't go as smoothly as anticipated. Once they left the city limits, Nevaeh and ?? found themselves encountering trouble in the form of a small band of motorcyclists. The biker gang forced Nevaeh's car off the road. Once the bikers realized what they had was when Nevaeh and her half sister's real nightmare began. The gang, it turned out, was a rival to the one her father had once belonged to. Using the girls as bait, Nevaeh's father was lured to a deserted gas station, even though he knew he'd be walking into his own death. After a bloody fight, Nevaeh's father had brought along a friend, which resulted in deaths on both sides, Nevaeh and her sister managed to escape. With only a name given to contact for help, Nevaeh and Chastity continued on foot toward Los Angeles trying to keep on step ahead of the remaining gang members and out of the grasp of the zombie-like creatures the seemed to keep encountering the closer they find themselves to the City of Angels.

    Other info: Her sound is Joss Stone.

    PB: Jennifer Lawrence

    Known Relations and Relatives: Has a sister, Chastity [info]sisterdear and just started dating Dean [info]biker_dude.

    Gave birth to a son, Christopher Jensen Lorenzo, August 3, 2002

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