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36 [21 Nov 2018|02:28am]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | people chatting ]

Setting up camp for the night and then going to head back to the base at first light. I need to keep a close eye on Alison now too since tensions are still high with the leemans and she isn't exactly off Chen's naughty list. The other boys are already bragged about what a good catch it is to have grabbed her up. Ugh...What are we going to do with you Ali? You'll get skinned alive if brought back, but it will be my hide if I let her go.

Her phone was busted, but I still took it. I swapped the sim card out to another one and got to wait for a good time to give it back to her or just hope one of her friends isn't stupid just track the signal.

Maybe if this gets blundered up Chen will just get mad and fire me. He's done it once or twice before...He was drunk when he said it and didn't take it seriously, but it still happened. Its also a less scary situation if he fires me then trying to tell him I want to quit.

35 [21 Nov 2018|02:10am]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | wind ]

Alright, so time to report in. In good news: we found people. It wasn't the people we were supposed to find, but.... Hey, accidental rescue still makes us heroes, right? Right? Why do I get such weird looks when I say that?
Whatever dragged these people this deep into the woods seems to be gone for now and I'm not in the mood to stick around and wait for it to come back, especially if it tangled with Alison Goh and won. Dalgi worked her magic and with a little bit of first aid on top of it all, we were able to mend everyone up enough that they could move and relocate somewhere less horrendously scary.

34 [21 Nov 2018|02:02am]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]

I'm insane. Definitely insane.

We're out running reconnaissance to track down one of our own; and I'm personally hoping Iris is just sitting back at some spa laughing it up right now and not going to run into us out in these scary woods.
I made sure Dalgi has a everything she needs to stay safe and keeping an eye on her. The other soldiers in our little group were also given a stern warning that I'll put a bullet in their head and leave them to rot out in these woods if they dare even think about laying a hand on her.
It must be weird for Dalgi to see me in uniform and taking charge...especially since I think her only image of me as a soldier is getting my butt kicked and coming home injured. Maybe I just want to get a kiss better from a pretty lady, hmmmmmmm? Can you blame me?

33 [11 Oct 2018|07:36am]
[ mood | torn ]

Curiosity is a spiteful bitch and I should have just tossed my phone out the window instead of caving into it's fluffy temptation. Ugh, so many angry people...I'll get back to most of them never, some later.
Do I wake up Dalgi and tell her the news or try to sneak out the window while I can? I can't take her with me into this bloody mess, but I also don't want to tell her to go either...Ugh.

32 [11 Oct 2018|07:29am]
[ mood | calm ]

How long can i ignore my phone, ignore the world and everything outside this shaudy hotel room before something disturbs this happy place we've managed to carve out? It seems only a matter of time if the incessant buzzing of my phone says anything about it. Going to mute it for now. I don't want to think of all the fighting and violence going on...Just push all the dark things away for a few minutes, maybe an hour. I just want to hold Dalgi tight and not let go. I'm happy even if it's just for a brief little while.

31 [05 Jul 2018|12:19am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | tv ]

Finding a hotel room with two beds in it is god damn impossible right now, not without traveling for miles outside the city and I don't think Dalgi trusts my truck to make it that far. Honestly, right now I don't either, but that's more a lack of gas problem then anything else and those seem to be hard to come by right now too.
We settled in at a little bed and breakfast for now. Paying out the ass for one little room with a single bed. Guess I'm sleeping on the floor again. I don't mind since there's food and a hot shower finally.

30 [25 Jun 2018|12:25am]
[ mood | energetic ]
[ music | people talking ]

I have good news and bad news for you folks today.

Let's start with the bad news, cause that's always fun. You don't get to see this pretty face for much longer. I know we've all started to bond and all, but try not to be too heartbroken over that, I have other important places to be.

The good news? We've all been cleared of the stupid fog sickness. Apparently some other cold shit has been going around...I won't bore everyone with the details since yeah, no slow ugly bloody death for you all and that means no one needs to be hanging around here anymore.

How does that age old saying go? You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here? Yeah, something like that.

29 [11 Dec 2017|03:06am]
[ mood | determined ]

New task was emailed to me today. Is it really such a pain to meet in person these days or a friendly call to say hello? I'll be voicing some grievances about that later, but I'll get this done first. Time to track down and say hello to some spies. I'm definitely looking forward to this.

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