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44. [12 Mar 2020|02:39am]
[ mood | bouncy ]

I don't even want to know how she has my new number....that's just too scary to think about.

I got a tip of where some Mondragons are hanging out and going to kick some slayer ass. I know, I steal all the fun. Might even rescue a princess or two this time. Don't be jealous.

43. [25 Feb 2020|11:07pm]
[ mood | busy ]

It’s been over a month since the outbreak started. As usual my team has been dispatched to investigate and clear out the hot zones of the city. It’s the most dangerous and highly infected of places, there are a lot of narrow streets in the city where it’s easy to get pinned down if we’re not careful, but this is what we’re good at and it can be a lot of fun some days. Last night we got to lead half a dozen of the undead into an old auto-shop and squashed them like pancakes. No idea what the machine was actually used for, but definitely going to need a good hosing off now. Of course, I sure as hell won’t tell DAlgi about any of this. I have only able to talk to her once since heading out here and just kept everything short and sweet. This mess will be over soon and I'll be able to see them again.

42 [06 Jan 2020|10:03pm]
[ mood | working ]

My boys are beautiful, healthy, and oh my god...I'm going to go deaf soon, they definitely have the lung power of their mother. This isn't the first time that I've taken care of kids, but it's definitely different when they are your own and you can't just fill them full of sugar and hand them off to someone else when you're tired and they start to get fussy. It's been a learning experience for me, but i know it will get easier and now that I've met and held the boys I wouldn't give them up for anything in this world now. I hired a full time nanny to help out, which also wasn't easy since Dalgi is very picky about those things. I went with her instinct and let her chase a few bad apples out of the house, but we finally agreed on one.
It's hard to leave the boys so soon, but I can't just sit back and do nothing with this outbreak going on. I'll be checking in when I can.

41 [01 Dec 2019|08:26pm]
I was nervous about meeting my children for the first time that I thought I'd end up throwing up. All the nerves and fears disappeared when they were brought in however, I fell in love immediately. How could Didi try to hide these boys from me? Was she really never going to say a thing?... I'm not going to hide anything from them, I can promise that much. I will keep them safe and do everything in my power to make sure dalgi and them are happy from now on. I have reunited with my family and I will make sure dalgi gets her girls back sooner then later. There's a lot going on with that jerk chanhyung that will make it so easy for her to get the girls back. We're going to have a lot to prepare for all of the little ones.

40. [22 Nov 2019|04:04pm]
[ mood | anxious ]

I don't think I've ever done this much paperwork in my life, but I had to be sure there were no holes and nothing was missed. Wang li took this all better than I thought, I also told him him about dalgis situation. Family means a lot to both of us and I'm grateful for having him as a friend right now. I really feel like I'm going to go crazy, but having his support helps. Nothing is going to hurt my babies... It's still insane to think about having not just one kid, but twins. This is definitely not how I thought being a parent would go either. Everything is messed up right now, but it won't be soon.
I hate not being part of group going to pick Didi up and bring her in, but I understand why it has to be this way. I haven't seen her in so long. We can talk when she gets here. Waiting just kills me.

39 [05 Nov 2019|08:13pm]
[ mood | calm ]

Hoping Chen has calmed down enough to talk. If I mystery disappear, you all know why.

38 [06 Aug 2019|09:00pm]
Today doesn't seem like a good day to be around the base. I really wanted to have a chat with Chen, but that will have to wait. I was looking up what other jobs are availability around the city for a guy like me and ugh, choices aren't great. Probably could have paid more attention in school.
whatever, tomorrow is another day. I need a hug and I know who I want it from.

37 [12 Jul 2019|03:27pm]
[ mood | Sore ]

Back in town. I took Dalgi home before heading to the base to meet with Chen, which she was not happy with, but I'm well aware of her opinions of our great leader . She doesn't need to see this. Jaesong is still recovering, but is going to be fine. His attempt to fight the beast and stop Alison's escape... Possibly being eaten... Is the new epic gossip going around right now. He gets the glory while I get to kick the bucket and face up to this mission being a resounding failure. I just want this over with so I can go home.
oh yeah, iris showed up on her own accord just like I said she would.

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