Britin ([info]_alicesprings) wrote on July 5th, 2010 at 04:11 pm
Title: Lunch
Written By: [info]_alicesprings
Rating: G
Author’s Notes: Pointless schmoopy fluff. Tiny thing, like a drabble-and-a-half. Set in the v v near sexytiems future, *fingers crossed*

There was a knock at the door and Luke entered Reid’s office. “Hey.”

“Hey, yourself,” Reid replied.

Luke held out a paper bag from Al’s. “I thought I’d save you from microwave brown mush.”

Reid peered inside the bag, touched. “Thanks. That’s... really nice of you.”

Luke shrugged. “You’re welcome.”

Reid leaned in and smiled against Luke’s lips before kissing him.

“Wanna come over tonight and be nice to me?” he asked in a husky voice. “I’ll even let you eat first.”

Luke’s mouth dropped open and Reid kissed away the outraged comment before it was made.

“I’m kidding,” he said, leaning in for another hungry kiss before pulling back. “I’m not kidding.”

Luke grinned. “Seven?”

Reid nodded.

“Seeya then,” Luke said, stepping outside. He stuck his head back in. “And you’re going to be nice to me first,” he said with a lewd flick of his tongue.

Reid grinned.
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