Rabastan Lestrange
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Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

    Time Event
    I've just heard the most incredible joke! Seriously, I laughed for at least five minutes. Ready?

    A man walked into the Three Broomsticks and takes a seat at the bar. Before he can order a drink the Bowl of pretzels in front of him says "oi, aren't you a handsome bloke!" the man tries to ignore the Bowl of pretzels and orders a fire whiskey. The bowl of pretzels then says, "fire whiskey? Good on ya, you're dead smart!" The man begins to get very upset and says the the bartender, "why does this bowl of pretzels keep saying nice things to me?" The bartender replies, "don't worry, the pretzels are complementary!"

    Isn't that the greatest? I don't know what's better, that the bartender charmed his pretzels to talk, or that he charmed them to be such a chav! I must tell this joke to the world.

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