Tuesday, August 12th, 2008


Have you ever slipped in the shower?
well ya! C'mon, water and soap... sooo easy to do :)

Are you reading a book right now?
Yes! "It". And it's effin' longgg but I'm almost done :D

Is anyone mad at you for no reason?
Idk but at some point you gotta say "fuck em" and let it go.

What are your favorite stores to shop at?
Target, Best Buy, Wet Seal, um ummmmm.... yep :) OH and any book store, Borders/B&N :)

Have you met anyone new lately?
probably, I don't remember lol

Do you play video games?

Is Britney Spears really as bad as everyone says?
I think everyone needs to leave her alone!

Do you smile at strangers?

What's the last song that gave you goosebumps?
Umm probably something by Mest or BFS.

What do people label you as?
Hmm well the only people I can think of that would label me are people at work and fuck 'em :D

Have you lost touch with a good friend over the past three months?
It's been longer than that but yes.

What color are your toenails?
Green! Lime green :D

What's your favorite romantic movie?
Blech. I don't really dig strictly romantic movies, but I really really liked "Dedication". It was more of a romantic comedy but it's stellar. Mandy Moore is in it, watch itttt :D

Is there something else you should be doing right now?
Showering, sleeping.

What did you do this past weekend?
Um lol... I don't remember. *thinks* Yeah I really have no clue, probably colored with Chelsea. OH oh ohhhhhh I went to the bar to see Laura for her birthday, I saw BSB in concert, um ummm..... hung out with Hailey, Laura, and Ryan.... and colored with Chelsea :D

Do you eat the cream out of the middle of the Oreo first?

What's your favorite color skittle?
uhhh red prob. It's always red lol

Who was the last person you hugged?
Chels probably

What are you doing tomorrow?
Working, printing invites, and thennnn packing to go to the water park on Thursday/Friday :)

Do you like anyone right now?

Do you have an Ipod/mp3 player?
mp3 player. It's name is Casper lol

Do you like country music?

Who was the last person to text you?

Are you excited for this weekend?

Do you have a cell phone?
I do.

What's something that made you laugh today?
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2

Do you hate anyone?
nope, but people piss me off :D

What is the last tv show that you watched?
Gilmore Girls.

Do you still like Disney movies?
of course!

When was the last time someone bought you roses?
tba :)

Do you still carve pumpkins on Halloween?
Nope I don't have the patience for that anymore :)
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Monday, June 30th, 2008

yeah ok :P

1. Name:
2. Birthday:
3. Where do you live:
4: What are you studying/What are you working as:
5. What makes you happy:
6. What are you listening to now/have listened to last:
7. What is particularly good/bad about my LJ:
8. An interesting fact about you:
9. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment:
10. Favorite place to be:
11. Favorite lyric:
12. Best time of the year:
13. Weirdest food you like:

1. A film:
2. A book:
3. A song:
4: A band:

1. Favorite Fandom:
2. OTP/OT3:
3. Icon/Fic Journal (so I can join):

1. One thing you like about me:
2. Two things you like about yourself:
3. Put this in your lj so I can tell you what I think of you?
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Saturday, March 22nd, 2008

80s fun!



How old were you in 1980?
yeah, I was born in '84 <--me too.


How old were you in 1989?


Were you a Toys R' Us kid?
Of course!


Did you watch Transformers?

5. Did you see E.T.

Yes and my sister had all the lil toys :)


Did you own a Lite Bright?
No but I played with other people's.


Who is your Favorite Golden Girl?
I never really watched that, sorry.


When someone says " Who you gonna call? "
Immediately think of Ghostbusters, or, more often than not, He-Man. (If you've seen part 2 as many times as I have, you get it.

It makes sense) <---yes, that does make sense :)


What was your favorite toy?
My stuffed Littlefoot <---OMG I LOVED THAT.


Did you have a Pogo Ball?


Did you listen to New Kids on the Block?
You know what's weird is that I don't remember ever listening to them, but I remember owning a necklace, a sticker book, a water bottle and probably other stuff....


Which New Kid was your favorite?
uhhh.... Idk.

13. Did you play M.A.S.H.

Yes all the time, but I don't remember what it stands for anymore lol.... Mansion, Apartment, Something, House???


Did you watch The Care Bears?
Awwww yes :)


Did you have Jelly bracelets?
Still do :D


Did you have a charm necklace and/or bracelet?
Again with the still do :)


Did you own a glo-worm?
Awww cute, but I don't remember if it was me who owned one or family.


Did you ever own a slap bracelet?
Ahhh those were fun. When I was in high school I actually had one of those still....


The Breakfast Club or Sixteen Candles?
The BKFST Club by FAR. <---yes.


Did you have a crazy hair style?


What was your first bike?
It was pink and purple and had little places for hiding stuff. OH unless you count my Popples Big Wheel.... does that count, cuz that came first :)


Name one thing you still own from your childhood?
Puppy Brite :)


Did you have a Cabbage Patch Kid?
Yeah but I had a bunch of Magic Nursery babies, how come no one remembers them?!


Did you dress like Madonna?
No but I did go through a crazy dressing phase when I wanted to be Clarissa Darling lol


Rainbow Brite or Strawberry Shortcake?
My older sister loved 'em both <--- as did I :)


Did you watch Miami Vice?
No I did not.


Did you own a pair of Jelly Shoes?


Did you own a Trapper Keeper?
Yes but we weren't allowed to have them in school :(


Atari or Nintendo?
Nintendo, I never had Atari.


Did you play Pac-Man?


He-Man or She-Ra?
Ahhhh I don't know lol..


What movie scared you the most?
If you ask my sister, Evil Dead.


Did you try to dance like Michael Jackson?
Oh probably.. actually one play I was involved in the cast had to learn the Thriller dance, but I was on crew so not me :(


What Is The First Thing That Comes To Mind When You Hear "FLUX" ?


What other colors did Pepsi come in?
Crystal Clear Pepsi was the tits! <---lol I forgot about that..


Roger Rabbit Or Howard The Duck?
omg... probably Howard :)


Did you ever beg your parents to have your school picture taken with the 'LASER' background?
I don't think it was allowed lol


Do you know what the Ninja Rap is?
I don't remember it :(


Do you know why people cringe when they hear the word BUCKNER?
Nope, but then again, I'm no sports guy. I just know it has to do with sports. <---see and I didn't even know that much....


Can you name the family members from National Lampoons Vacation movies?
I can't, sorry :P


Wally World or Europe?
I know the words, but drawing a blank..


What was your favorite movie from the 80's?
Labyrinth :)


Who puts Baby in the corner?
Traditionally, nobody.

But if you don't, then how is Swayze supposed to come tell you? <--lol I like that one :)
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Wednesday, January 30th, 2008

waiting to go to class.

1. Have you ever thought about getting your lip pierced?
Nah, don't like lip piercings. Plus, my ears and nose closed up so I doubt that would work anyway :(

2. Does a kiss make you feel better?

3. Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor?
My sister did :(

4. Do you start the water before you get in the shower or when you get in?
before. Do you think I'm a looney?!

5. What did you do today?
Woke up, showered, went to work, came home from work, about to go to Photo 2

6. Have you ever brushed your teeth while in the shower?
Possibly but not lately.

7. Have you had more than 3 boyfriends/girlfriends at the same time?
Um no. Sorry.

8. Have you ever thought about your death?
Too much lately STOP IT!!!!

9. Are you gay if more than half of your myspace friends are bands or people?
what would that have to do with your sexual preference? <--- I agree.

10. Would you rather be in a permanent relationship or play the field?
I don't know. Who am I in a permanent relationship with?

11. How many piercings do you have?
just one :(

12. What color is your shower curtain?
white and yellow with ladybugs??? Or is it frogs now, I don't remember lol

13. Have you ever had stitches?
just minor surgical ones.

14. How long ago did you hug someone?
I have no idea.

15. Did you believe that boys/girls had cooties?
no but I occasionally say it cuz it's funny.

16. Do you know how to use chop sticks?

17. Lyrics stuck in your head?
"You're a bitch, but I love you anyway" :)

18. Do you like the Red Sox or Yankees?

19. Is it okay for a man to cry?
yes. Awwww Chandler :)

20. Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of?
Chandler lol

21. Have you ever given money to a homeless person?
yes I have.

22. Have you ever run over an animal?

23. What is your favorite cereal?
I'm so sick of cereal.

24. Have you ever had an Oreo with peanut butter?

25. What is the last kind of candy you ate?
a sucker

26. Do you think its right for straight guys to get their tongue pierced?
Yeah, why should it matter?

27. Where's your favorite place to be?

28. What's your favorite song?
Never could answer this.

29. Are you more of a coffee or energy drink drinker?
ew sick. Coffee, for sure.

30. Have you ever thrown shoes on a telephone wire?
Definitely not.

31. Name one thing that you are good at?
worrying <---ohhhh me too, me too.

32. Have you ever climbed up a water tower?
no. Screw that man, that's high up!

32. Have you ever been arrested?

33. Do you foresee a longterm relationship in'08?

34. Do you talk in your sleep?
Who knows.

35. Do you snore?
as above

36. Have you ever thought about being a teacher?
a lil bit

37. Are you a redneck?
no, but I was called cousin-fucker the other day lol. Jerk :)

38. Funniest thing you heard all day?
Ummm I SAW Laural covered in red sticker things. It was funny.

39. Have you ever ran away ?

40. What are you afraid of?

41. What does the 10th text message in your outbox say?
Hahahaha I'm not sharing. I'll tell you the 11th. "Those labels are old, I probably need new ones. Does the cd play without the label?" To Laura :)

42. What does the 10th message in your inbox say?
"No because its totally clear now because the underlabel came off" From Laura! :)

43. Do you like someone?
why do all surveys ask this question? <--I dunno.

44. What are you excited for?
Eh. Spending my gift card?

46. Can you recite the alphabet backwards?

47. Need to get something off your chest?

48. How do you feel about your life right now?
hard hard hard hard hard hard scary sucky hard.

49. What do you think of the person who posted this before you?
Lisa is awesome. Move here :P
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Saturday, January 19th, 2008

1. Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed?
yes, unfortunately

2. Do you still talk to the person you kissed last?
Um no.

3. Have you ever punched a tree?
That would kinda hurt.

4. Do you believe that if you want something bad enough you'll get it?
No, not all the time. With what's going on lately though, I really hope praying and positivity and strength makes it happen!

5. Do you watch a lot of TV?
Yes, I do.

6. Have you tried ecstasy?

7. Have you ever snuck out of your house?
Never needed to <---Same here Lisa :)

8. Ice cream or cake?
Ice cream cake -- BOOYAH ;)

9. Break someone's heart or have your heart broken?
have my heart broken i guess. but preferably neither <--yep.

10. Never sleep or never eat?
atm I'm both starving and exhausted, so I can't choose :P

11. Who was the last person you saw?
My mom, andddd Gary, Gary, and Lori

12. Would you ever get a tattoo?
I would have had one by now if Mike hadn't shattered my dreams of it lol... but idk, it depends.

13. Who was the last person you had a dream about?
Molly and Emma lol

14. Are you a morning person or a night person?
i can be either, depends on my mood. <---OMG WE'RE TOTALLY TWINS!! ;)

15. What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone?
I don't know... isn't that subjective?

17. Do you snore?

19. Do you know anyone who has gotten an abortion?
Yes, I do.

20. What would you do if you opened up your front door to a dead body?
Probably get a freaky jolt and then freak out

21. Have you ever kissed in the rain?

23. Are you there for your friends?
i hope

25. Do you like to spend time with people?
I do, but I haven't been hanging out much cuz I'm either at work, at the hospital, or taking advantage of down time to chill out.

27. Are you hungry?

28. Are you a forgiving person?
Sure, but not very forgetting :)

29. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?
What do you do?

30. Do you drink every weekend?

31. When was the last time you did the dishes?
Couldn't tell ya

32. Are you talking to anyone while doing this?
Yes, Loorah and I are texting.

33. Do you want a relationship right now?
No, not unless it's with people it would never happen with, because they are either famous or non-existant :)

34. What are you about to do?
go get water and fruit, mmmm

35. Have you ever thought someone died, when they really didn't?
Not anybody I know.

36. Have you ever fallen down a set of stairs?

37. Your name plus "ness"?

38. Three feelings at the moment?

39.What are you listening to right now?
the Disney channel

40. Done anything you regret so far in life?
eh, yes I guess but nothing I can do about it now.

41. Where are you right now?
my room

42. The highlight of your week?
Seeing Lori doing better, and finding boxed sets at Costco

43. What are you craving to have right now?
water and ummm some food product of which I've yet to think of

44. Who were the last people you ate with?
Lori and my mom, but that doesn't really count

45. What are you scared of?

46. Last movie you watched?
Cloverfield, last night

47. Last song you sang out loud?
Ummm... Bowling for Soup maybe

48. Are you thinking of someone right now?
yes I am

49. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
my nephew

50. Last thing you downloaded on your computer?
music for Lori

51. Have you changed much this year? ..
it's only been 17 days! <---ahahahahahaha

52. Do you like moms?
Some of em

53. Hug or kiss?

54. Who was the last person to text message you?

55. Where was the last place you went besides where you are?
Best Buy

57. Do you speak any other language?
i can kinda speak un poco espanol <--- Me too

58. Last thing you watched on TV?
Hannah Montana

59. Do you dress for style or comfort?
Both, but not based on what other people like.

60. Name someone with the same b-day as you?
Jennifer Aniston and Matthew Lawrence... and possibly Brandy

61. Ever had a drunken night in Mexico?

62. Whats the craziest thing you've done?
Ummm, be a passanger in Nathan's car lol

63. Favorite color(s)?

64. What is your favorite Michael Jackson song?
thriller! <--yup

66. Any plans right now?

67. What are your plans for tonight?

68. What are you looking forward to this year?
graduation, I guess?
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Sunday, January 6th, 2008

1. It's midnight. Who are you texting?
The only people I really text/get texts from are Jamie, Laura, Laura, and Kristen. So one of them lol

2. It's Wednesday afternoon, where are you usually?
Work. But I have class starting soon, so I'll be there!

3. Who are the last four people to send you a text message?
Ha. Umm see #1

4. What brand of shampoo is in your shower right now?
Herbal Essence & some other stuff

5. Honestly, if you could have ANYONE in the world, who would it be?
Jensen Ackles :)

6. What are you listening to?
Nothing, I was READING, bitch!

7. Your christmas list consists of?
I didn't make one, really

8. Your ex just asked you out and you say?
Um... no.

9. You're going to New York for school shopping, where do you go first?
Macy's, probably.

10. You need a new pair of jeans, what store do you go to first?
Charlotte Russe

11. How do you feel about your hair?
My bangs are too short, but other than that, it's all gravy baby

12. What time do you wake up for school?

13. What movie is in your DVD player?
Uh I think Doctor Who was the last thing I had in there.

15. Who calls you by a nickname?
Laura lol

16. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
non-wall side.

17. Do you like roller coasters?
yepper doodle dandy!

18. Favorite T.V. show?
Oh GEEZ. So many.

19.You last e-mail was from?
Chewie, lmao

20. Favorite Beverage?
Iced tea, coffee, water.

21. When's the next time you'll kiss someone of the opposite sex?
Who cares?

22. What do your pants look like?
dark jeans.

23. Are you tired?
eh kinda. Still feel sick.

24. Do you have to pee?
Yes but I just noticed. Thanks a lot, jerk.

25. Would you hug the cook of tonight's dinner?
Nope. Crazy fast food people.

27. Laugh much?
I think I used to?

28. What are your plans for Saturday?
Meh. Probably a bar thing, I dunno.

29. What is the dumbest thing you have ever done with your cellphone?
Threw it.

30. Favorite sit down restaurant?
I don't really know.

31. Bubble gum flavor of choice?
Strawberry Lime - the squishy kind!

33. What you want to be when you grow up?
*sigh* don't ask me that question, it scares me lol

34. The most excitement you had this week?
Ummm... Target/Best Buy today with 2 awesomes :)

36. Have you ever sat all the way through Gone With the Wind?

37. When was the last time you were up all night?
*shrug* what counts as all night? I think I was up til 3 last night.

39. Where is your favorite place?

40. Do you ever think about the price of gasoline?
Who doesn't?

41. Do you sleep with a fan on?
Every night! OMG I slept at my sister's the other night and it was so hard to fall asleep cuz I didn't have one!

42. What's the best thing about winter?
pretty snow. Not nasty exhaust fumey snow.

43. How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
Often. I have issues.

44. How many states have you been to?

45. Are you currently planning a trip?
Kinda, I guess.

46. Who was the last person you read something out loud to?
Ummmm... I can't remember. Heh.

47. Last time you forced yourself to do something?
Today, to wake up.

48. Have you ever googled your name and found somebody?

49. Who's your number one on your top?
My Jamie Lee niece/bestest buddy ol' pal

50. You drive?

51. What makes you feel like you are young again?

52. Do you ever type "kik" or ";p';" instead of "lol"?

53. Do you know how to play chess?
Nope, but I think I did when I was like 2

54. What's on your mind right now?
I don't want to worrrrk tomorrow, I don't wanna go to schoooool tomorrow, and my sister's surgery.

55. Do you want to take something back that happened in the last week?
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