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[0038-X-servers] [Apr. 4th, 2012|08:23 pm]
Cool, but looks like a helicopter. Suppose we have to start somewhere.

Official X-People )
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[0037: X-servers] [Mar. 10th, 2012|01:33 pm]
Official X-People )
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[0036: X-servers] [Nov. 6th, 2011|03:05 pm]
Keep your smartphones in your pockets.

It's that time of year again. I will be away from the school for the first week and a half of December. I will be going to both Chicago and San Francisco to update the security and computer systems.

So far the itinerary is as follows:
Chicago - December 1-5
San Francisco - December 6-11

This is subject to change if anyone played around with my system and they're name is not Kitty Pryde.

I'll be reachable by email and phone.
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[0035:X-servers] [Oct. 23rd, 2011|10:25 am]
As always my horror movie marathon will be hosted on Halloween night in the rec room for any homebodies with no other plans.

Since I'm a horror movie snob This years offerings will be:
The Haunting - 1963 original and not the horrible remake.
Dawn of the Dead - 1978
Rosemary's Baby
The Exorcist
Let the Right One In - (Swedish original.)

I figure we can pick from that.
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[0034:X-servers] [Oct. 5th, 2011|06:19 pm]
New Solar System.

The wireless will be down starting tonight at midnight until about four in the morning for maintenance. The wired network should not be affected, but as a result I'll only be in my office for the afternoon.

Time for my annual don't pirate things from the internet unless you're smart about it announcement. Just don't. It's a headache.

Now, back to Pottermore.
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[0033: X-servers] [Jul. 8th, 2011|08:51 am]
Kitty )

Amara )

I'm going to be doing upgrades to the system. As usual I will do these in the middle of the night to cause the lease amount of inconvenience. From 2 AM to 3:30 AM on the 12th the wireless internet will be down and from 2 AM to 4 AM on the 13th the entire network will be down.
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[0032:X-servers] [Jun. 20th, 2011|08:56 pm]
In honor of whatever will be (which I'm taking bets on), I've decided that movie watching is in order.

Even if the books are way better.

So I'll be in the common room tonight with dvds.
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[0032:X-servers] [Jun. 4th, 2011|07:06 pm]
X-teams )
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[0031:X-servers] [Apr. 10th, 2011|08:35 pm]
The game area of the grid from Tron is done as a sim and ready for beta testing to be sure it's perfect.

Who wants a go?

It's got Jeff Bridges for a referee and it's my only Danger Room simulation with a soundtrack.
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[0030: X-servers] [Mar. 29th, 2011|12:26 pm]
So I button mash and jump around way too much playing video games for the Nintendo 3Ds. Glad I tried it before actually buying it.

Since it's the middle of Spring Break this is probably the best time to do some upgrades to the networks. As such the wireless network will be in and out all day tomorrow. The wired network shouldn't, however, so pull out those Ethernet cords.
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[0029: X-servers] [Feb. 3rd, 2011|11:49 am]
Part of me feel like I should go get a job at the University of Utah except I shouldn't be allowed to teach.

And it's Utah, and I'm 99% sure there's nothing there.
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[0028: X-servers] [Jan. 17th, 2011|12:47 pm]
Because this worked so well in Jurassic Park.

Which I must now watch since I've mentioned it.

But really? Sure, let us resurrect a long extinct species that was alive during an ice age into the present age of even more global warming and radical climate change since that had absolutely no factor on that species extinction in the first place.

In 2008, they succeeded in this exact cloning procedure with mice, so this isn't even going to be done in a "lets see if we can do it way." They already know they can.

I just figure they can spend their time bringing back some animal that more recently went extinct.
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[027:x-server] [Dec. 6th, 2010|02:11 pm]
So 24 feels no different than 23.

Although they arrested the "King of email spam". Shockingly enough, it's not really going to help the problem any.
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Timeline: [Nov. 25th, 2010|12:27 am]
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[0026: X-servers] [Nov. 5th, 2010|12:46 am]
So anyone want to see if they can beat the unbeatable Danger Room Simulation I just made?
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[0025: X-servers] [Sep. 26th, 2010|12:47 am]
One week down, and no one has come to me with a keyboard accidentally doused in Sprite. I'm proud.

I have a few announcements.

First of all, normally whenever someone has had a computer issue in the past, I've told them to just come to my office whenever. I'm going to need to change this. Temporarily I'm asking you to email me in advance so we can work out an appointment. I'm still rebuilding my office equipment after the insanity of the past month. Unfortunately, some things keep getting lost in the shuffle, and it's a horrendous mess in here. This is going to help with organization.

Secondly, this almost means any major server issues may take a little longer to fix than it normally does. I don't have anything set up to automatically let me know when something happens at the moment. However, now that most everything is set up it's my first priority.

Thirdly, Students, think about what sort of Danger Room exercises you want. I think it's time for a new one.


Also, the Red Bull in the fridge is NOT community Red Bull. My name is on it!

I need a new minifridge.
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[0024: X-servers] [Aug. 17th, 2010|05:22 pm]
X-people/faculty )
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[0023: x-servers] [Aug. 9th, 2010|12:28 pm]
I would like everyone in this mansion to know that the minifridge in my office has now been lowjacked to the wall, because I'm tired of it being unplugged every time I step out of my office. Pranks stop now.

On to more important things. The new school year in upon us. I'm doing upgrades over the next couple of days so the wireless internet may be spotty at certain times. Wired connections should not be affected though.

Also, I'm still offended about how bad you all at pirating copyrighted materials from the internet I'm to remind you all that internet piracy is uncool.

Please tell me I don't have to embed that awful PSA about stealing purses and cars here.
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[0022:X-servers] [Jul. 26th, 2010|09:09 pm]
I'm home, but I'm terribly jetlagged so I'm going to sleep. See everyone in the morning. I had a good time. Strange kinda.

Amara, you still around?
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[0021: X-servers] [May. 31st, 2010|05:36 pm]
Kitty )

A couple end of year notices.

If you're leaving the school for the summer and you have any problem with any of your school accounts, I can be reached by my office phone. If I'm not in there, leave a message. I'll get it I promise.

Secondly, while you can speak with your teachers to find your final grades for your classes, they will also be electronically posted to your accounts a within a week of your final exams. You can check your past grades and GPAs there as well.

Thirdly, I'm working on a Danger Room simulation to celebrate the end of the year that you guys can train on this summer if you're staying. You can decide amongst yourselves. Just know that Lord of the Rings is off the table.

Have a good summer.
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