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Gabriella Lawrence

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And I set fire to the rain [07 Feb 2012|02:36pm]
[Text message to everyone in Gabby's contact list]
sent 12:32pm
So. Woke up in the hospital. Bitches just now gave me back my fucking phone.

Do NOT go near the river.
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Ooooh...! [04 Jul 2011|03:56pm]
Shinies! )
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Text to Bella [14 May 2010|06:14pm]
Omg so I know I just finished texting you earlier. . . But I have a familiar!!!!!!!!!! <3
sent 4:35pm

I don't have words to describe how happy this makes me! He's sleeping in my bed right now!
sent 4:36pm

His name is Urist and he's a grey fox! He's really adorable. Except for the correcting my cursing part...Oh well. He's still great. And sleepy. And adorable. Wait, I said that one already.
sent 4:38pm
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Text to Bella, July 13th, 2009 [07 May 2010|06:30pm]
Bells!! Are you okay? Please tell me you are not demon food. I will kill a mother fucker!
sent 11:37am

Okay, so, I realized if you're demon chow then you can't exactly text back. So uhm. You better text back.
sent 11:45am
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When I'm on fire when you're near me [01 May 2009|10:21pm]
I'm on fire when you speak )
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