September 2012

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Memory Table + Playlist

At The Bottom Of Everything / Read Your Book / Green Valley
Summoning of the Muse/ To Who Knows Where / Growing Old is Getting Old
Lazy Eye / I Don't Care / Do You Realize
Hot Knives / Four Winds

1.) Eregion

2.) 1697 Second Age - Destruction of Eregion, survivors fled to Lindon, Lothlorien, and Imladris (Rivendell)

3.) Life in Rivendell and finding shelter in the libraries

4.) Learning the glories of slipping Elven cordials into tea. Erestor likes the strong stuff! It keeps him from turning into a snappish Elf!

5.) The beginning stages of household management: Obsessive List Making.

6.) 3319 Second Age - Aman and Tol Eressëa are removed from Arda, Númenor is drowned, and the world is made round.

7.) 109 Third Age - Elrond weds Celebrían, daughter of Celeborn and Galadriel

8.) 130 Third Age - Elrohir and Elladan are born to Elrond and Celebrían & 241 Third Age - Arwen Undómiel is born to Elrond and Celebrían

9.) Glorfindel is an idiot and Erestor takes on more advisory roles, occasionally acting as a counselor.

10.) 2460 Third Age - Sauron returns to Middle-earth; establishes himself in Dol Guldur in southern Mirkwood. Watchful Peace ends.

11.) 2509 Third Age - Celebrían is waylaid by Orcs, receives a poisoned wound, and consequentially departs Middle-earth. Sad, sad day.

12.) The company is guided to Rivendell. Pillows had to be rush fluffed and house Dwarf-proofed!

13.) Battle of the Five Armies - thank the Valar that was off thatta way and nowhere near him! Though the gift of a dragon scale or two wouldn't have been a bad way to say thank you....

14.) Bilbo returns to Rivendell on the way back to the Shire. Hobbits are very amusing creatures. At least they seem to be interested in tales.

15.) October 25, 3018 Third Age - Council of Elrond. Obnoxious house guests.

16.) December 25, 3018 Third Age - The Fellowship of the Ring sets out in the evening from Rivendell. Massive clean up after Dwarves depart.

17.) Battles afar, off where they belong, far far away from the precious books!

18.) The Ring is destroyed. Happy day!

19.) Travelling with most of Elrond's household to Gondor to witness the wedding of Arwen and Aragorn

20.) The long boat ride to Valinor and doing a whole lot of reading and writing, the entire time.
