Alden Castel [Leviathan] - October 18th, 2010

About October 18th, 2010

[6. At the Gates] 11:03 am
[There is an APB a proverbial warrant of arrest out for a 'feathery assbutt' - one with some Hellfire, one who has something that does not belong to him. The Hellhounds are docile at Leviathan's feet, but they bare their ivory canines and snarl, heads low to the ground, seeking out the scent of the one who does not fit in. This used to be easy, when hardly anyone roamed the Earth. Now things were different, and the trail is near impossible to pick up. They must sniff out the sheep in wolf's clothing manually, and they can't be too subtle about it.

Angels, Demons, Sins, Virtues, Saints, Horsemen - Hellhounds are on the prowl, paying all a visit, growling at the Christians' feet. They would rip the angels to shreds, but that is not why they are there. They move on, and keep going - going until they find the traces of Asmodeus in another vessel.]
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