It's a hell of a role

February 19th, 2008

12:38 am

Devin's meme made me all nostalgic about all the characters I used to write. Out of all of them I think I miss Fred the most. He was fantastic and hysterical. Almost as funny as Sirius and super overprotective of Ginny. Why'd you have to go and kill him Ren??? WHY? Ah well, I suppose I'll live. I also sort of miss Fenrir but that's only because of the amount of work I put into him the first time I played him. Oh, and Remus, but he pops up from time to time in my own writing so he's not completely missing.

Tomorrow, the only thing I have to do is go to a meeting at 1 o'clock. All my classes have been cancelled because the flu vaccine this year is crap. It protects for less than half the viruses that are circulating this year and my professor got it. And my other professor is in Washington D.C. so she clearly can't teach our class. Thusly, I get to sleep until noon and work on my thesis all day. I can get through that one book about Skinner and read the other five articles I've got on him. Then maybe I'll do some prep work for my GREs and write my personal statement for the internship.

If I get this internship, I will be so happy. I don't think I could even possibly try to put that feeling into words right now it would be so intense. So I just have to keep my eye on the prize. I'm also thinking of maybe going right to school. I'll have the one semester off so it won't be that big of a deal. At least I don't think it will. This way, I'll know where I'm moving exactly before I have to move again if I don't get into San Diego. All in all, things are good. Things are very good and I'm happy again.
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