_ktbell's Journal
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Below are the 9 most recent journal entries recorded in _ktbell's InsaneJournal:

    Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015
    1:07 pm
    Alright. Now I'm kinda bored.

    Wanna know what sounds like fun? Bungee jumping. Or sky diving. I wonder if I can figure out the latter with a broom and a parachute. But the question is... can I get high enough? Hmmmm. To the drawing board.
    Friday, June 19th, 2015
    11:14 am
    Today's challenge: How many times can I ride the roller coaster in a row, without stopping, until they either kick me off or I pass out or something? Challenge accepted.

    Also if anyone has seen a sandal looking sad and alone on the ground somewhere, that is totally mine. I kicked it off in a fit of rage at one of those carnival games. They are totally fucking rigged, for the record. I DID NOT miss that shot and that goldfish SHOULD HAVE BEEN MINE. I already named him Prometheus. How can you take away a girl's goldfish when he's already been named? That is bonding at it's finest, obviously. Bastards.

    I will avenge you, little fishy. You will be mine. But I apparently need to scramble my brain with rides first.


    Friday, June 12th, 2015
    12:27 pm
    All I want to do after all this work today is dance around in my underwear to the Spice Girls.

    Get on my level.

    entry is charmed to play song. neither of us are sorry.
    Monday, May 11th, 2015
    1:56 pm
    Katie's Summer To-Do List So She Doesn't Forget Something Later On And Can Also Indefinitely Add Things:
    1. Find cliffs
    2. Go cliff diving
    3. Figure out a way to build a motorcycle
    4. Run a marathon. Well... or at least run as much as a marathon would be and time myself and pretend it's a huge, awesome affair
    5. Find a mountain
    6. Go mountain climbing
    7. Find ocean
    8. Go surfing
    9. Quidditch. All the time.
    10. Go camping
    11. Go diving in the lake and/or ocean
    12. Sleep
    13. Drink beer
    14. Read a book, as in singular
    15. Watch 2001: A Space Odyssey for 24 hours straight
    16. TBA
    17. TBA
    18. TBA
    19. TBA
    20. TBA

    and so on and so forth.

    Yeah, I dream big.
    Saturday, May 9th, 2015
    6:19 pm
    Things I learned this last week: homework sucks, Boggarts are stupid, we've all got some pretty fucked up fears, and Lord Voldemort looks like a fox in Alice Cooper makeup and costume. Just sayin'.

    Also, I need a tan. I'm looking pretty ghosty lately. Don't want anyone to mistake me for one and run into me. I'm pathetically under coordinated as it is.

    So... final thought/question of Katie's ramblings: Where's the beer?
    Saturday, May 2nd, 2015
    11:30 pm
    Dancing and phallic imagery and drinking, oh my! May day is definitely a new favorite holiday. Like... why didn't we do this all the time? Or did lots of people and my family is just super lame? Because that's totally possible. I love them and everything, but my mom likes square dancing. I mean come on, I can't make this stuff up.

    Also, Mikey, how's your foot? I mean I think I only jabbed your toe good that one time but I feel like I owe you ice or something.

    Oh, and Susan, Rolf, and Mike? You are the best dates a girl could ask for. Everyone else should feel inadequate or something. Sorry. It's just the truth.

    And then there's Quidditch tomorrow, guys. Quidditch. I still feel like I woke up in a dream. Or a fairy tale. I mean, I guess in a sense I could still argue this is a fairy tale. Legend and all... anyway. Or a hell I haven't quite figured out yet. I mean after what happened

    Hope everyone else is having a blasty blast. Cheers.
    Tuesday, April 28th, 2015
    2:12 pm

    And according to the gossipy ladies in the hospital wing, I've come to the understanding there is some Sadie Hawkins-esque dance coming up. Way to spring that on me last minute, guys. You all rock.
    Saturday, April 25th, 2015
    7:06 pm
    Nothing quite like waking up from torture to Merlin standing in front of you trying to explain away some hinky facts about being transported to Avalon and second chances. For the record, I don't think it comes across quite like you intend, Merlin my friend. Am I supposed to be grateful? Accepting? Compliant? I mean... don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled your magic menagerie has managed to make the pain stop. I kind of owe you all for that one, but come on, really? When you pull someone out of a curse like that, you do realize the first thing that comes to mind when seeing Merlin is "Holy cow I'm dead as a door nail because there is no way in hell this is real?"

    I mean I guess that's cool though unless I really did sell my soul and then this isn't as much fun anymore. Who do I even ask about something like that?. Beggars can't be choosers and all that. And since this is kind of the first time I've stretched my legs in... some amount of time (you lose track in a cursed state), could someone please tell me if I'll find the Quidditch pitch in the same place as back home? I'm guessing there's no motorcycles here, so flying will have to do for now.

    Oh by the way, this is Katie Bell. I'm still deciding if this is all one big illusion my mind has concocted to deal with everything that has happened recently and I've really just lost it, or if it's all really real. Either way, cheers. I hope you're all friendly. I come in peace. Most of the time.
    Monday, April 20th, 2015
    9:12 pm
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