Hannah Abbott [entries|friends|calendar]

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[25 Jun 2019|02:21pm]
Private to Zach )

Private to Ernie [13 May 2019|02:33pm]
Hi luv... I know this is late, but just know that I didn't forget, I just know and respect that you don't like to celebrate your birthday. Just know that I was wishing you well anyway and I wanted to let you know that I hope you spent it well


Mother’s Day [31 Mar 2019|12:09pm]
Flowers for every Mum who comes by the Leaky today!

Happy Mother’s Day


Private to Friends
Working tonight, cause if I don’t, I’ll think.


Private to Zach

I’ll be done around midnight and in need of music, a drink, and company.

To all friends and family [28 Mar 2019|09:15am]
I think it may be time to shake off winter and have a get together?? For everyone, and if Jack agrees, maybe we could make it a joint effort between the Leaky and Veritaserum??

What does everyone think?? Say goodbye to Winter and bring in Spring?

Happy Valentine's Day [14 Feb 2019|09:15am]
For Suze )


For Ernie )


For Justin )


For Teddy )


For Zach )

Private - Warded to Zach Smith [12 Feb 2019|08:04am]
Hey... so I wanted to ask you if we could maybe celebrate Valentine’s Day this weekend instead of on the actual day? It will likely be busy at the Leaky, surprisingly it is every year, and I’ll need to be working.

As well, I’ve told Suze about us but not the lads yet. She had gathered something was up anyway...must have been because I’ve been so happy lately.

I hope everything is going well at the cottage and your new job. I can’t wait to meet Otis and the rest of your animals...I miss you.


Warded for Suze [09 Feb 2019|03:50pm]
Hey Suze, I know this is going to sound strange... well, because I see you at least once every day... but I miss you. Do you want to have a girl’s night tomorrow? Just you and me, some cake and tea... or something stronger if you want.

I have something special I want to tell you and I don’t want to tell the other lads yet, and I hope you’ll be as happy as I am about it all.

Let me know! Xoxo Han

Warded to friends [26 Nov 2018|10:03am]
I am not able to go to training... I can't bring myself to. I'm so fucking mad, I can't stand it

My home was attacked, my family, everything I built... no one is going to want to come back either.

I'm going to get cleaning up and go to get Suze.

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