_listsinmysleep's Journal
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Sunday, September 29th, 2013

    Time Event
    Private to Social Committee Members
    So, I've been thinking that between the resorting and the current Quidditch mania which I don't see dying down any time in the foreseeable future that there might be some among the students here at Hogwarts who are going to feel a little left out.

    I'm not sure what we can do but I thought that it might be worth mentioning to everyone.
    /End Private

    Private to Close Friends(if you think you're on the list have at it)
    So, I started thinking about how the resorting and things are going to affect the student body. And a lot of people are going to lose a large part of their support systems which might cause people to feel lonely or left out. And, let's be honest, the current Quidditch obsession (sorry Quiddich playing friends, you know I love all of you) might also make some people feel like they don't matter since all most of the school is talking about is Quidditch in one form or another. I mean, look at the journals. More than half of the posts and conversations have been about Quidditch and there are A LOT of us who don't play.

    Anyway, I know that we can't do anything huge. But what I was thinking is that if we make an effort to so small things it might alleviate some of the bad feeling. Like comment in journals of people who don't get a lot of comments or something. I just don't want this resorting to make anyone feel bad about themselves, you know?
    /End Private

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