_northernstar's Journal
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Wednesday, June 11th, 2014

    Time Event
    Age Plot Entry
    Alright, so in my early morning crash course given to me by my lovely Uncle Albus (who is now younger than me by a year).... we are in a time warp village, yeah? No one is the right age. Weird shit happens all the time, and I used to go to school but now I'm too old for it...

    So where does that leave me?

    Either way, I think I need a nap. My bacon grease and sugar water hangover remedy did not work like it usually does. Maybe it's because of the brain information overload...

    Now I can't decide if the best course of action is to nap with my giant dog (who is cool as hell, I might add) or go out for a walk and discover my surroundings. Decisions, decisions. Maybe walk then nap. Or nap then walk. I could always pull one out of a hat.

    So... on an off note... do I like.. have any friends here? Or no? Social reject Polaris Malfoy, at your service. Just kidding.. kind of. But no really... what's up village people?

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