_northernstar's Journal
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Sunday, November 30th, 2014

    Time Event
    Weakly Warded. Family and friends, if you want to try, have at it. If not, no hard feelings.

    Mum is gone even though she promised
    no that's not fair

    I can't believe.. it hurts
    How can she be gone?
    I just talked to her

    So are so many others. Family.
    Grandma Gin. Aunt Molly. Uncle Arthur. Hugo. Countless others.
    Friends. Teddy.God dammit, Teddy Regulus.

    Loved ones. To me. To everyone else.
    People who only had lives here.

    Is it cruel to say I can't feel anymore?
    Is it fair to them to want them all to come back?
    At least the ones who do have lives?
    I don't even know what to do. How to..

    I just want to sleep.
    This is a dream. Everything.
    It's all a dream. Or a nightmare.
    How can this even be real?

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