Drowning in the memory of you. -

Date: 2007-10-23 15:31
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

I had a day off yesterday which I spent being a complete and utter slug, basically moving from the chair at the computer to the sofa and back again repeatedly. The bad thing was is I wanted to work on projects, but couldn't keep my attention span up more than a half hour at a time, so the computer room is littered with half finished knitting, needlepoint projects, art, and PIF gifts.
Hopefully today will be more productive.

Oh, and I also posted some art over at IJ for daily_deviant, It's Lucius/Hermione/Narcissa and you can see it here(NWS).

Here's a couple of links for a dump:

Ron Mueck. I've linked to his art before, but this article has many more pictures, and you can actually see the size scale in this one. Truly amazing stuff.

Willard Wigan. Microscopic scupltures that fit in the eye of a sewing needle or on the head of a pin. Crazy.

That's all for now.

Oh and BTW,[info]freetheelves2, I blaming you for turning me into a Slyar/Claire shipper. ;)

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