Drowning in the memory of you. - Belated Thanksgiving Greetings.

Date: 2007-11-23 02:21
Subject: Belated Thanksgiving Greetings.
Security: Public

Good God, I must stop eating today. I'm miserably full, yet can't seem to stop myself from raiding the leftovers every few hours. I hope everybody enjoyed their foodz.
I'll be spending Black Friday holed up in the house, doing my shopping on the internet. And while I should be looking for gifts for other people, so far all I've managed is to find things that I want, such as Amazon selling the Ultimate Vacation Collection for $20.99. It will be mine.

BTW, Moonlight is complete cheesy nonsense, but I think I'm getting hooked.

I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday. *goes back to writing Christmas cards and contemplating that lonely looking peach cobbler in the fridge*

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