March 2012


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Mar. 11th, 2012

Phobos App


1. Name: Gina Carosella
2. Age: 25
3. Email: fiore (dot) della (dot) valle (at) gmail (dot) com
4. Timezone: PST, GMT-8
5. When are you primarily available for gaming: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, some weekends, usually from about noon to about midnight, though I am self-employed so my schedule is flexible.
6. Messenger Information: ReginaAelise on AIM
7. What interested you in Labyrinthine: Sarah mentioned it; the setting was appealing, the story sounds fun, and I do love to muck about with mythology.
8. Choose a PB for your character: Jensen Ackles (shared with his twin, Deimos)
9. Picture you would like to use for the community profile page:


1. Name: Phobos (Goes by Kaden Kyle when dealing with humans)
2. Association: God
3. Age: Immortal
4. Occupation: Mechanic, Painter (Custom paint jobs for cars)
5. Affiliation with others: When he’s in town, Phobos works for his father Ares with his brother Deimos. He particularly enjoys irritating the crap out Eros. He’s fond of his mother, though he loathes to admit it. He’s always happy to rile up his relatives just for shits and giggles, though he bears little actual ill-will toward most of them. He’s protective of Deimos, and will take his side against anyone or anything. His next loyalty is to his father, and he does try to avoid pissing Ares off.
6. Where do you stand with regard to the upcoming war: Phobos approves of it. As for sides, he’ll follow his father. Ares always knows where to find the best conflict.


Bent carefully over the hood of the restored 1971 Mercury Cougar he’d spent the past three days working on, Phobos swept the airbrush to the left, trailing shadow down the curve of a serpent’s neck. The piece was almost done, just a few finishing touches left, and his focus was as intense as when he’d started; every dark little detail treated to the same obsessive care. Just a hint more of the indigo shadow, droplets of paint staining, creating-

-Phobos drew back, a hint of a self-satisfied little smirk on his lips. Perfect. A riot of twisting serpents, spilling from the mouth of a screaming, frantic face, blue eyes wide and bloodshot, and rising up behind the whole mess, a hydra whose coils wrapped around the whole of the car. The colors were just shy of meshing, forcing a disquiet on the viewer that would be difficult, if not impossible, to trace to a source; he was rather proud of that little touch. Art should disturb the viewer, after all.

And who better to disturb than Phobos? The horror of war was his playground, he was not short at all of chilling images and twisted thoughts, nightmares that seeped into the soul and left the mind crying out for madness... And it was a pleasure to bring a hint of that back to the quiet places between wars.

He backed off, setting the airbrush aside and wiping his hands on his ragged, paint-stained tee before scribbling out a final total on the work order. Not a moment too soon, either, he could hear a ruckus starting and he didn’t want to be late to the fights. He was too wary- and respectful- of his father to interfere in the fights he ran (even if it was tempting, on occasion, to put a bit of fear into someone who looked too confident) but he at least wanted to track down Deimos, crack open a couple of beers, and place some bets. They may not be able to influence the fights, but they could still enjoy them.