_sblack_'s Journal
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Monday, September 28th, 2015

    Time Event
    Sirius had been pondering and contemplating and just simply thinking deep thoughts as summer had progressed and finally had come to a logical solution to his problem. He'd lie. No, it wasn't lying exactly. Just... a means of conversation. Yeah, that sounded good.

    This was all James's fault, he supposed. His friend had chattered for years about Evans only to *finally* give up last semester. Thank Merlin. But bloody he'll if it didn't plant thoughts about the redhead in his own mind. Sure, she was a looker; any wizard could see that. He wanted to be her friend. Even if she hated his best mate. Details to be worked out later. That was all.

    Sirius has been lying on his back on his bed pondering the mysteries of life when a stroke of genius hit him. He rolled onto his stomach and reached into his night stand abd pulled out a quill and parchment. He quickly scribbled 'Evans, I'm having a horrid time with my' he paused and cocked his head. What would be plausible 'transfiguration assignment.' Sirius couldn't help but laugh. 'Think you could help? Thanks, Sirius.' That seemed to okay. Sounded legitimate. Or may be she would see right through him. He made good marks in that subject.

    He pondered this while looking for his owl, and once he found said bird, sent off the letter. No regrets. At least, for five or so moments.

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