Nov. 1st, 2020

OOC: Obligatory post of everything pertinent

This journal belongs to Scarlet for [info]at_the_gates.

Application | Log Directory | Miscellaneous Character Information

Player Contact:
Name: Erynn
E-mail: erynn716[at]
AIM: Erynn716

Questions, comments, constructive criticism and plotting are all equally welcomed. Please feel free to contact me through this journal post or the other means offered. Anonymous posting is enabled and all comments are screened.

Klodi Suicide is in no way associated with this journal. The thoughts contained within are not their own, nor are they meant to represent the actual thoughts, lifestyle, actions or image of this person. Their image is being used for the fictional representation of a character in the role-playing game At The Gates, from which no profit is being made. No harm, misrepresentation, libel, malice or copyright infringement is intended. The images used are not the property of the player and belong to the person depicted and/or their respective copyright holders.

Jan. 19th, 2011

It was an embarrassing thing, really. The loud clamor of fire alarms echoing abrasively through The Gem, just a few hours after most have sought out their beds. As the local fire brigade comes barging in, the residents rush about in varying levels of decency, no one really quite sure what was going on, but the acrid smell of smoke slowly works through the homestead, alerting the staff that it wasn't just some electronic malfunction.

Later, they will marvel in just how lucky they were, how lucky Scarlet was, when the story starts making it's rounds about an unfortunate incident with some forgotten candles that had been left too closely to some drapes. Not a one thinks anything of she and Madam conferring in harried whispers, nor do any take any notice of the tissues clutched in the younger partner's hand.

Dec. 5th, 2010

Stockings have been hung by the fireplace, requisite mistletoe has been placed.  Plenty of Santa hats with fur and bells have been acquired, as well as requested outfits according to each and every one who asked.  Kitchen is amply stocked, and baskets of candy canes have been put in place.  A few of the girls are working on stringing the lights on the tree now.

Madam, your especial spirit is already on ice, and I've cleared our schedule in a week to take care of other business. 

Oct. 12th, 2010

OOC: Application

A spark neglected makes a mighty fire. )