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August 21st, 2008

I changed his name from Dax Winthrop to Dax Poleska. I have no idea how to pronounce his last name. It's either Pole-ska or po-les-ka. Anyway, did anyone go to comic con or hear about the inappropriate touching that went on? Either way this entry was amusing:

Listen, I will go off if a man touches me in a way that I feel is inappropriate at a convention. Please know that I am around my fellow geeks and feel completely at home and secure. This means that I have absolutely no problem wilding out on your ass if you feel that it's okay to touch mine. Contemplate whether that handful of ass is worth a few bruises. Because I don't mind getting a few bruises or getting real loud in order to defend my honor. And you know what else I don't mind doing? Pressing charges.

Now, I fully admit that a person might get confused. You've just seen me kiss a stormtrooper, booty dance with an inker in the middle of an aisle, laugh as a reporter grabs me from behind, tuck in the bra strap of an artist, goose a fan and tell an off-color joke to a convention model. So, why am I chewing you out about grabbing my ass?

Because I don't know you, motherfucker. Understand?

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