March 19th, 2012

Put up or shut up.

[Public to ExB. 10:11am]

Alright dears, the 24 hours are up. Anyone who wants in on the bet should make your picks known.

The rules are still as follows:

1. First sexual encounter not including an ExBer. That's too easy.

2. Encounter can't be the result of ExB interference and matchmaking.

If anyone has any objections to the rules, let's hash it out ASAP. ;) Whoever picks the winner will be owed favours or dares by the others.

I'm going to pick Jamal. I may regret it, as his personality as displayed on his journal is... well, shall we say lacking, but he has a certain degree of smoothness about him and there's bound to be someone down there stupid enough to fall for it. Or just wants a good time and figures he's experienced enough to know how to give it.
