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People should stop leaving me awake when they go to bed... [02 Dec 2011|05:42am]
Even though we’re back in The States now, I do have to comment on something interesting happening in Australia sometime today. A relative of Ivan Milat, a serial killer over there in Aussie country who’s still alive and kicking in prison for the seven murders he committed between 1989 and 1992, has been convicted of murder himself off an outright guilty plea and will be sentenced today...the second for those of you who do not pay attention to their calendars.

Cut for blurb detailing the crime and why I care )

Why did I not get the chance to meet this kid? WHY?! Dom, Dru, anyone got an answer for me? It's ok; I'll send a letter. How many pages do you think I can stretch the phrase 'great job on keeping the family name intact, I'm sure Ivan is proud' into? He's no Jack but you can't write dead men letters....sigh.

And another rant I have right now that pisses me off…I FINALLY make it to goddamn California and the one thing I wanted to see most here is already gone. The Black House in San Fran has been demolished since Oct 17, 2001. I bet no one even knows what I’m referring to without going to Google so I’ll just sit here and shake my head in disapproval at that. Though I suppose there’s always that spot in Leimert Park to go see and it’s right here in LA. If anyone other than Dom gets that reference I will be highly shocked.

Why do you find this shit so interesting Sin? What is wrong with you?
I was born and raised in O-fucking-hio. We produced so many of them that I’m convinced it’s in the water supply.

We have Jeffrey Dahmer from Bath, Neal Bradley Long from Dayton, Charles Manson from Cincinnati, Larry Ralston from Jefferson County (Yes, we have the fucking Angel of Death too), Thomas Dillon from Canton, Michael Swango (Doctor of Death)wasn’t born there but he murdered plenty in the borders of the state, Gary & Thaddeus Lewingdon (the .22 caliber killers), Alton Coleman & Debra Brown raped and killed in Ohio on their spree, the Moreland Family Juvenile Baby Killer, Eric Elliott & Lewis Gilbert started their spree in Ohio, the Cleveland Torso Killer, Terry Shepherd, Thomas Carr, Michael Lockhart, Dan Martin from Belmont county, William Sapp from Springfield, Richard Tinglr from Portsmouth, James Oliver Huberty, Matthew Hoffman, Donald Harvey (another Angel of Death, there are so many of them because people lack creativity), and very recently Anthony Sowell from Cleveland. Not a serial killer but...we also have Casey Anthony because she was born in Warren. So that’s 24 not counting Casey. This… Dooommmiiinnniiiccc, now that I have your attention, who am I leaving out?
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