Slytherin Proud

boo to the other houses!!

December 29th, 2020

Goodbye 2020! Hello 2021! @ 04:15 am

Current Location: Newmarket
Current Mood: calm
Current Music: Elvis Presley - Crying in the Chapel

I know that I'm early, but I want to bump off 2020 now, bc it's been a very rough year. I want '21 to start with a bang... which is what I will probably get bc some people round here are very firecracker happy, but that isn't my point, my point is, enough heartache, enough sleazy politicians trying to make things better .. worse by asking us to inject ourselves with cleaning supplies to get rid of the virus and re-enforcing overly strict rules that turn us into sheep, enough with 2020 period.

Frankly I hope 2020 is a great year that holds promise. Otherwise... well, we will burn that bridge when we come to it right? Let's just have our last hurrah and begin anew.


I think I'm going to get something I need off the web now and get back to bed...

Slytherin Proud

boo to the other houses!!