Slytherin Proud

boo to the other houses!!

December 28th, 2020

Good evening @ 04:52 pm

Current Location: Newmarket
Current Mood: rushed
Current Music: Green Day - FOD

I dedicate FOD by Green Day to Kurt bc he is being an SD... which to say is 'shit disturber'. The highest rank of the term 'arsehat'. If you looked up the word 'fuckwad' in the dictionary; a) you wouldn't find it and b) maybe if it did exist Kurt's ugly mug would be there. You can tell I'm pissed off...

Today has been for the most part has been good. Bee's blanket arrives tomorrow. For some reason, Julz's Xmas gift arrives in May... ಠ_ಠ Don't ask me why? Ask Amazon... they are fucked in the head...

Anyways, dinner is on!

Slytherin Proud

boo to the other houses!!