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Fic: ~Power Play~ NC-17, Part 2, Chapter 4 [06 Jul 2005|02:17pm]
Title: Power Play
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: D/s, BDSM, violence, bestiality, graphic sex.
Summary: Lupin was surprised to learn of Snape’s submissive side, and stunned when the Potions Master offered that submission up as a gift to him. He grabbed it without thinking, but did the werewolf bite off more than he could chew?

Notes: Two parts - complete. A little angst, but mostly an excuse to write smut. Set in the first half of the school year after OotP, but written before HBP.

Many thanks to Odd Doll and Snegurochka for their excellent work as betas.

Part 2, Chapter 4 )
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Fic: ~Power Play~ NC-17, Part 2, Chapter 3 [05 Jul 2005|02:14pm]
Title: Power Play
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: D/s, BDSM, violence, bestiality, graphic sex.
Summary: Lupin was surprised to learn of Snape’s submissive side, and stunned when the Potions Master offered that submission up as a gift to him. He grabbed it without thinking, but did the werewolf bite off more than he could chew?

Notes: Two parts - complete. A little angst, but mostly an excuse to write smut. Set in the first half of the school year after OotP, but written before HBP.

Many thanks to Odd Doll and Snegurochka for their excellent work as betas.

Part 2, Chapter 3 )
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Fic: ~Power Play~ NC-17, Part 2, Chapter 2 [04 Jul 2005|02:08pm]
Title: Power Play
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: D/s, BDSM, violence, bestiality, graphic sex.
Summary: Lupin was surprised to learn of Snape’s submissive side, and stunned when the Potions Master offered that submission up as a gift to him. He grabbed it without thinking, but did the werewolf bite off more than he could chew?

Notes: Two parts - complete. A little angst, but mostly an excuse to write smut. Set in the first half of the school year after OotP, but written before HBP.

Many thanks to Odd Doll and Snegurochka for their excellent work as betas.

Part 2, Chapter 2 )
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Art: ~Power Play~ The Greek Boy [03 Jul 2005|06:59pm]
The fabulous [info]undunoops drew The Greek Boy for me, and he is gorgeous. Go look and lavish praise.
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Fic: ~Power Play~ NC-17, Part 2, Chapter 1 [03 Jul 2005|02:03pm]
Title: Power Play
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: D/s, BDSM, violence, bestiality, graphic sex.
Summary: Lupin was surprised to learn of Snape’s submissive side, and stunned when the Potions Master offered that submission up as a gift to him. He grabbed it without thinking, but did the werewolf bite off more than he could chew?

Notes: Two parts - complete. A little angst, but mostly an excuse to write smut. Set in the first half of the school year after OotP, but written before HBP.

Many thanks to Odd Doll and Snegurochka for their excellent work as betas.

Part 2, Chapter 1 )
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Fic: ~Power Play~ NC-17, Part 1, Chapter 3 [02 Jul 2005|01:58pm]
Title: Power Play
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: D/s, BDSM, violence, bestiality, graphic sex.
Summary: Lupin was surprised to learn of Snape’s submissive side, and stunned when the Potions Master offered that submission up as a gift to him. He grabbed it without thinking, but did the werewolf bite off more than he could chew?

Notes: Two parts - complete. A little angst, but mostly an excuse to write smut. Set in the first half of the school year after OotP, but written before HBP.

Many thanks to Odd Doll, Snegurochka, and Rayvyn for their excellent work as betas.

Part 1, Chapter 3 )
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Fic: ~Power Play~ NC-17, Part 1, Chapter 2 [01 Jul 2005|01:46pm]
Title: Power Play
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: D/s, BDSM, violence, bestiality, graphic sex.
Summary: Lupin was surprised to learn of Snape’s submissive side, and stunned when the Potions Master offered that submission up as a gift to him. He grabbed it without thinking, but did the werewolf bite off more than he could chew?

Notes: Two parts - complete. A little angst, but mostly an excuse to write smut. Set in the first half of the school year after OotP, but written before HBP.

Many thanks to Odd Doll, Snegurochka, and Rayvyn for their excellent work as betas.

Part 1, Chapter 2 )
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Fic: ~Power Play~ NC-17, Part 1, Chapter 1 [30 Jun 2005|01:22pm]
Title: Power Play
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: D/s, BDSM, violence, bestiality, graphic sex.
Summary: Lupin was surprised to learn of Snape’s submissive side, and stunned when the Potions Master offered that submission up as a gift to him. He grabbed it without thinking, but did the werewolf bite off more than he could chew?

Notes: Two parts - complete. A little angst, but mostly an excuse to write smut. Set in the first half of the school year after OotP, but written before HBP.

The Hanky Code exists in some fetish clubs as a way for like-minded individuals to get together in a more expedient fashion. The color of the handkerchief indicates the person’s particular proclivity, and the pocket that it’s worn in indicates whether they top or bottom. (Black is heavy BDSM.) Before anyone yells at me for not knowing my left from my right, I want to say that I have heard that the steering wheel is not the only thing our Right Pondian friends put on the opposite side.

The hanky idea was inspired by katekintail’s Colored Hankie Series. The writing of a smutty Snupin was inspired by Razzberry and Snegurochka.

Winner of Best Adult Slash, Round Four, Multifaceted Awards.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
at Eros & Sappho, September 2005

Many thanks to Odd Doll, Snegurochka, and Rayvyn for their excellent work as betas.

Power Play )
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Challenge Fic: ~Here, Kitty, Kitty....~ G [17 Dec 2004|10:22am]
This is the last entry in the Highly Unlikely Challenge. It tied for Third Place.

Rules )

Title: ~Here, Kitty, Kitty....~
Pairing: none
Rating: G
Summary: Snape’s expertise is needed, but can he be maneuvered into helping?

Much gratitude to my Beta – Marianne.
Here, Kitty, Kitty.... )
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Challenge Fic: ~When Opportunity Knocks ~ NC-17 [12 Dec 2004|10:40am]
This is the third entry in the Highly Unlikely Challenge. This story was adapted to fit the challenge from another story of the same name. It was my first foray into slash.

Rules )
Title: When Opportunity Knocks
Pairing: Snape, Black
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Snape takes advantage of a discovery.

Before alterations, this was Beta’d by Moaning Myrtle.
When Opportunity Knocks )
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Challenge Fic: ~Ghosts of Christmas Past~ PG-13 [01 Dec 2004|03:02pm]
This was another entry for the Highly Unlikely Challenge - obviously written before HBP. It tied for Second Place.

Rules )

Title: ~Ghosts of Christmas Past~
Pairing: none
Rating: PG-13 for some violence
Summary: Snape gets another look at a Christmas past.

Much gratitude to my Beta – Marianne.
Ghosts of Christmas Past )
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Challenge Fic: ~The Quest~ G [21 Nov 2004|02:26pm]
This was written as an entry for the Highly Unlikely Challenge. I had four entries for that challenge, actually. The bunnies were breeding like mad.

Rules )
Title: The Quest
Pairing: Snape, Harry
Rating: G
Summary: Severus Snape and Harry Potter are sent by Dumbledore to try to recover a second Philosopher’s Stone.

Much gratitude to my Beta – Marianne.

The Quest )
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Fic: ~After the Battle, Healing Begins~ R [05 Sep 2004|06:05pm]
Title: After the Battle, Healing Begins
Pairing: Snape, Hermione
Rating: soft R
Summary: After the terrible final battle, an unlikely couple help each other start to heal.
Notes: This story created itself after I read the battle scene in FriendyQuark’s "A Terrible Temptation." Many thanks, as always, to Best Beta, Moaning Myrtle.

After the Battle, Healing Begins )
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Fic: ~When Opportunity Knocks ~ NC-17 [05 Aug 2004|11:14am]
This was the original story, written while I was still working on my over-long het story. Snape was giving me a hard time, and I was a bit annoyed with him. My first slash.

Title: When Opportunity Knocks
Pairing: Snape/Black
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Snape decides to take advantage of a new discovery.

Special thanks to the Marvelous Moaning Myrtle for Beta services.

When Opportunity Knocks )
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Challenge Fic: ~It Was a Dark and Stormy Night~ NC-17 [08 Jul 2004|02:11pm]
Title: It Was a Dark and Stormy Night
Pairing: Snape/Myself
Rating: NC-17
Summary: When the lines between fantasy and reality blur....

This was written for The Potion Master's Muse's Mary Sue Challenge, and tied for fifth place out of twelve.

Rules )

Thanks to Marvelous Moaning Myrtle, Beta Mistress Extraordinaire.
It Was a Dark and Stormy Night )
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Fic: ~Old Friends, New Lovers~ NC-17 [17 Jun 2004|11:42am]
Title: Old Friends, New Lovers
Pairing: Snape/McGonagall
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Snape finds the task of chaperoning the Christmas Ball less unpleasant than anticipated.
Notes: My thanks to the Marvelous Moaning Myrtle, Beta Mistress Extraordinaire.
*This takes place some years pre-Harry Potter, and was originally posted at SH as "The Night of the Yule Ball." Since the Yule Ball only happens during the Tri-Wizard Tournament, I changed the name of the event and the story. This is terribly cliched, but I still rather like it.

Old Friends, New Lovers )
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Fic: ~The Wizard's Tale, A Continuation: Part 13~ NC-17 [21 May 2004|11:54am]
Title: The Wizard’s Tale: A Continuation
Part 13 contains chapter 55 and Epilogue

Part 13 )
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Fic: ~The Wizard's Tale, A Continuation: Part 12~ NC-17 [20 May 2004|11:48am]
Title: The Wizard’s Tale: A Continuation
Part 12 contains chapters 51-54

Part 12 )
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Fic: ~The Wizard's Tale, A Continuation: Part 11~ NC-17 [19 May 2004|11:42am]
Title: The Wizard’s Tale: A Continuation
Part 11 contains chapters 46-50

Part 11 )
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Fic: ~The Wizard's Tale, A Continuation: Part 10~ NC-17 [18 May 2004|12:32pm]
Title: The Wizard’s Tale: A Continuation
Part 10 contains chapters 41-45

Part 10 )
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